1 minute read
ony y.trd look better"
-sals I. D. B,q'NKER, tnanager) Farmers'Grain & Lumber Co., Sy"amore, Illinois
"I've always prided rnyself on keeping a rnighty neat looking y*drl' eays Mr. Banker. t6But when ourfirst shipment of -square carne in and we stacked it all neai an.l even in the bins, it looked so downright good that I kind of felt dissatisfied with the regt of the shed' So did the boys in the yard. So we pitched in and straightened the whole shed out. And I tell you that if t .t"" proud of the place befor"o I'* doubly proud now. And no customer gets away from here without taking a trip outside to look us ovet."
NE of the rnost noticeable (-7 things about 4-square Lurnber in yard after yard is the change it has made in the PhYsical aPpearance. Not onlY do the evenlY stacked tiers of 4-Square, with their bright labels, look good thernselves-but theY influence the appearance of the whole Yarq for the better. What has haPPened in Banker's yard has haPPened tirne after tirne. The 4-Square yard looks prosperous, and it is. 4-square Lumber-and' the 4-
Square Plan-were designed for the forward-looking lurnber rrl€rchant who not only respects fine lurnberand treats itas it deserves, but who appreciates the m€rchandising possibilities it ofrers. To a few such rnerchants in each locality Weyerhaeuser is offering the 4-Square Franchise as fast as increased rnill capacity perrnitsAddress our nearest branch office or inquire of our district representative for full details of the 4-Square Plan.