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Central California Lumbermen's Club Meet at Stockton
Decide To Put American Lumber Standards and Segregated Grade rnto Efrect on September l,1929.
Setting of a definite date for the adoption of American Standards of Sizes and the segregation of grades was the main business before the rneeting of the Central California Lumbermen's Club, held at the Hotel Stockton, Stockton, June 8.
September 1 was the date chosen, and the voting on the motion to this effect proposed by R. F. Wells, West Tur: lock Lumber Co., Turlock, and seconded by Charles G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co., Stockton, was practically unanimous.
President L. H. Elliott, \ralley Lumber Co., Lodi, presided. Mr. Elliott asked for free discussion on the subject of American Lumber Standards and segregation of grades, in spite of the fact that the club had already gone on record as favoring these, as he felt that such discussion would do much toward removing misunderstanding in the minds of some dealers.
Chas. G. Bird started the discussion by reading an editorial on this subject by Jack Dionne from the May 1 issue of The California Lumber Merchant.
In the course of the discussion the opinion that dealers should handle dry dimension in the new sizes was expressed, several of those taking part declaring that they would buy dry lumber right from the start of the adoption of the new sizes.
Those joining in the discussion included R. F. Wells, Turlock; Chas. G. Bird, W. H. Falconbury, A. H. Fisher and F. F. Fisher, Stockton; C. D. LeMaster, Sacramento; 'Warren S. Tillson, Modesto; J. U. Gartin, Modesto; A. R. Martin, Sonora; W. P. Fuller, Manteca, and L. H. Elliot, Lodi.
Treasurer Chas. G. Bird read the Treasurer's report, and followed this by reading a report written by E. T. Robie, Auburn, vice-president, of the activities of the various committees of the Northern District of the State Association. and a general report of the accomplishments of the State Association since thelast annual meeting in November, written by Harry A. Lake, the association's president.
Mr. Bird characterized this as a mighty fine report, and moved that the club send Mr. Lake a letter expressing their appreciation of his fine work on behall of the State Association. The motion was passed unanimously.
Amendments to the club's by-laws read by W. H. Falconbury, chairman of the By-Larvs Committee, were adopted.
R. F. Wells, Turlock, announced that Turlock had recently adopted the Uniform Building Code, rvhich he said is based on American I-umber Standards.
The offer of W. M. Casey, Redwood Manufacttrrers' Co., Pittsburg, to send an expert to a future meeting to explain and discuss Standard Sash and Door Schedules No. 128, was accepted.
C. D. ieMaster, .Sacramento, on behalf of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club, invited members to attend the Farm Building Conference to be held on the campus at Davis, September 21.
President Elliot appointed the following committee to make arrangements for the next meeting of the club, to be held on Saturdav, September 14: Claud B. Clawsen, O. D. Ruse and O. V. Wilson.
The registration was as follows:
C. G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co. . Stockton
G. E. Ground, Ground Lumber Co. .. .....Modesto
C. U. Utterback, Millwork Institute .... ...Stockton
O. V. Wilson, Central Lumber Co. . ......Stockton
A. R. Martin, Ilales & Symons Sonora
W.H. Falconbury, San Joaquin Lumber Co. Stockton
W. P. Fuller, Home I umber Co. Manteca
W. M. Casey, Redwood Manufacturers Co. .....Pittsburg
C. B. Clawsen, the Diamond Match Co. Stockton
W. H. Beseker. the Diamond Match Co. .. Oakdale
B. R. Du Vall, Ripon Lumber Co. ...Ripon
J. U. Gartin, Stanislaus Lumber Co. .....Modesto
Warren S. Tillson, the Modesto Lumber Co. Modesto
T. L. Gardner, Millwork Institute Stockton
L. H. Elliot, Valley Lumber Co. .. Lodi
C. D. LeMaster, Sacramento Vallev Lumbermen's Club c.'n.'w"iii;' : .:: : : .: : : : , : : : : : b:*"Ji%T'i:
Mike Kelley .... Denver, Colo.
R. F. Wells, West Turlock I-umber Co. .. ..Turlock
O. D. Ruse, Ruse-Blair Lumber Co. .. .....Stockton
J. H. Stutz, Coos Bay Lumber Co. . Stockton
Geo. W. Robinson, Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. Stockton
W. F. Neider, San Joaquin Lumber Co. Stockton
W. O. Mashek, United I;trmber Yards, Inc. .......Modesto
F. F. Fisher, Fisher Bros. . Stockton
A. H. Fisher, Fisher Bros. . Stockton
Planing Mills Products Exceed . Billion Dollars in 1927
The total value of products made by planing mills of the country in 1927 was $1,116,412,119. Of this total, just reported by the U. S. Census Bureau, which represents a decrease of 11.5 per cent as compared with $1,261,138,O20 reported lor 1925, $581,63,3737 was contributed by planing mills not operated in conjunction with sawmills and $534,778,382 by planing mills operated with sawmills. These figures represent decreases of 18.2 per cent and 2.8 per cent, respectively, as compared with 1925.
-Of the products of planing mills in 1927, dressed lumber, including flooring, ceiling and siding totalled 19,345,061 M feet, valued at $555,312,845. Dooti numbered 16,344,725, valued at $58,151,624; sash numbered 39,838,753, valued at $D,765,614; door and window frames numbered 11,9M,49O, valued at $33,014,753. Value of plywood manufactured was given as $4O,668,303 and of miscellaneous millwork, $3n,944,n|.
_O-f the 4,561 independent planing mills reporting for 1927, 439 were situated in Pennsvlvania, 4O4 in-New York, 356 in California and 280 in Illinois.