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It Can be Done with MONOTITH

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J. R. HANIFY co.

J. R. HANIFY co.

Monolith Portland Cement Company

215 Wert 7th Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Phone TRinits 7036

Pl,ent at Monolitt, California

A better plastering job-at the same or lesser cost for a finished wall than regular cement with an admixturethat is the report that many contractors give, after using Monolith Waterproof Portland Cement.

"Itr waterproof and plartic propertier make itr ure mone profitable than regular cementrtt says one. tWe find it is less e:rpensive to uae Monolith Waterproof Cement in preference to regularPortland cement with an admir ture,t'writes another. t'I regard it as much the bert ma. terial for thic purlrccert' reports a third.

These are some of the reaaons why plastering contractors have been using Monolith Waterproof regularly for four, 6ve and six years. Th"y know they will produce a more satisfactory joFone that pleases the customer-and at no greater coct to themselves.

Ask any of our representatives to show you statements from leading contractors, giving their experiences with Monolith.

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