1 minute read
Today, more than ever, buyers seek merchandise of known quality-and whether it bc radio+watches-automobileg,--or LUMBER the brand or trade mark eeryes as tfie buyer'r eiuide. The 4-C trade marlc identiGes lumber of the very highcet quality. A nation-wide reputation has becn eetablishcd for itr dependability-ite correct grade-ita exccllencc of manufacture. Dealera who arc supplying their trade 4-C kiln dried llmber know of its selling advantagec-their best trade likee it.
(A. J. "(:ur" Rturcll)
Distributors in Califomia anil Atbona
Gmeral Offices; Srn Frencirco, Celiforaia St. Clair Buildirg 16 Celifornia Strcct
So. Califomia Ofiice: Lor Angclcr, Glifornir tflT Prci6c Elcctric Buildirg Brucc L Burllngano, A3cnt
" Sudden Seuice"