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Hardwood Exhibit at Boat Show
Reproduced belou' is a picture of the exhibit of White Brothers, San Francisco, of hardwoods used by boat builders, at the Pleasure Boat and Sportsmen's Exposition held at the Civic Auditorium, San Francisco, r\pril 27 to May 4.
It isWhite Brothers' claim that they have been headquarters f.or 57 years for all the various kinds of hardwoods used by boat builders.
No Smoking in National Forests
Effective June 1, and continuing until the end of the fire season, no smoking will be permitted within any of the 18 national forests of California, except in established camps, at places of habitation, and in certain high mountain areas in the Sierra Nevada, according to orders issued by S. B. Show, chief of the California district, United States Forest Service.
''The orders further provide that each automobile or pack train party camping in the national forests must be equipped with a shovel and an ax suitable for fire fighting qurposes. Shovels must have a blade at least 8 inches wide, either round or square point, and a minimum overall length of 36 inches. Axei, eitlier single or double bit, must weigh 2 to 2rl pounds or more, and have an overall length of 26 to 28 inches.
A camp fire permit must also be secured before building any fires on national forest land, including fires in stoves burning gasoline, kerosene or wood. Camp fire permits are issued -free of charge by all Federal Forest Service officers, automobile clubs and other authorized agents. Applicants should provide themselves with a shovel and an ax before applying for a camp fire permit.
A number of important watersheds within the Cleveland, San Bernardino, Santa Barbara and Sierra National Forests have already been closed toall public use and travel, except under special permit from the U. S. Forest Service. Infoimation regarding the location of areas posted and closed to public use may be secured from the local forest officers.
Redwood Specified By Statehighway Department
California State Highway Department has advertised several'new bridge jobs in which structural Redwood has been specified. These are as follows: One in Lassen County, caliing for 4O0,000 feetl one in Marin Cou.nty, 275,m feet, and bne in San Luis Obispo County, 30,000 feet. In addition, 30,000 feet of structural grade Redwood is going into a bridge on the new road between Maricopa and Carpinteria.
C. F. Williams, formerly of theWilliams Bros. Last Block Factory, Cadillac, Michigan, has returned to his headquarters in that city after speriding several months at his winter home in Los Angeles.
"Increasing yearly travel into the national forests of the state and the iesultant growing fire hazard makes necessar,y these fire prevention nieasures for the safeguarding _of Yal-: uable timber, watershed, wild life and recreation lands," said'District Forest Show. "But regulations alone will never solve California's fire problem. We must have the unqualified support of every iitizen of the state, for without such effective backing the Federal and State forest rangers can never'hope to successfully combat the menace of mancaused fires."
Charles L, Wheeler, vice.president and general manager of the McCormick Steamship Company, returned to San Francisco, June 4, from Dallas, Tex., where he attended the convention of international Rotarians. Mr. Wheeler is president-elect of the San Francisco Rotarians and will take office next month.