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Federal Trade Commission The Pacific Lumber Company Issues Complaint Against Announces Changes in Pine Manufacturers Sales Organization
The Federal Trade Commission issued complaints at Was.hington, Julg 6, against 38 lumber companiis in California, Oregon, New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada, charg- ing misrepresentation in the sale of Western yellow piie as White Pine. Hearings were set for July 5.
Immediately on the publication of th-is news a statement glgled-by _officers o_f the Red River l.umber Company, the Pickering Lumber Company and the Clover Valley Lrimber Cornpany, and issled to the press denied the alliged misrepresentation and stated that their product has bee-n known to the trade for half a century as Cilifornia White pine.
Mullin-Hayes Lumber Co. Purchase Yard at Torrance
Announcement has been made of the purchase of the Haynes Lumber Co. by the Mullin-Hayej Lumber Co., a new company formed to enter the lumber and building material business in Torrance.
Arthur-D.-Hayes,_who will manage the yard, has been connected with the L. W. Blinn Lumber Co. oi Los Angeles{or-thepast_six years, and prior to that time
".so- ciated with the Mullin interests lt Jerome, Arizona. Wavne Mullin, the other member of the firm, is connected *itn itii Mullin Lurnber Co. o! Los. Angeles who operate several yards in Southern California. Mr. Mullin is rianager of the company's Los Angeles yard.
The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, announces the following changes in their-sales organization, efiective June 1:
. He$ Klass, who for the past 15 years has been Super- intendent of Production at Scotia, and assisting the General Sales Manager in contacting the operating dlpartment, is now moved to the San Francilco office as Assislant General Sales Manager.
R. F. Hamilton, heretofore Manager of Western Sales, has been appointed Manager of Atlantic Coast sales, with headquarters in New York City. The sales in the states on the Eastern Seaboard will be under his direction.
A.J. Nolan, who has been Mr. Hamiltonfs assistant, is now Manager of Western Salesn having charge of all sales in the Western States, extending east Io include Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Texas and-Louisiana.
Concatenation for Northern Arizona
N. H. Huey, Arizona, Hoo Hoo state counselor for Arizona, and, W. P. Underwood, Prescott, vicegerent snark of Yavapai County, are planning for a Northern Arizona concatenation to be held during the summer. The concatenation will be held at Flagstaft, Williams or McNary.
MERRTLL RffitfiExrco
Merrill Robinson, for many years connected with the lumber business in California, is now located in Mexico. He is making his headquarters in Mexico City.
Pipe And Tanks
We have manufactured and installed PACIFIC Tanks, Pipe and Vate formining and milling companies, irrigation dietricts, etc., continuously since 1888. If you have a problem let <iur engineers help you.
Send for catalogs, prices and information.