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San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club
An address on the subiect of American Lumber Standards by Regiirald T. Titus, of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Seattle, and discussi'on of this matter were the features of the meeting of the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club,held at the Hotel Californian, Fresno, May 25.
Luncheon was served promptly at l2:L5. President F. Dean Prescott presided, and called upon W. R. Spalding, W. R. Spalding Lumber Co., Visalia, totell the members something of his recent trip round the world.
Mr. Spilding gave a very interesting outline of his trip, which he dealt with in humorous vein, his stories of amus' ing happenings during his stay in Scotland being particularly appreciatqd.
George M. Cornwall, of The Timberman, Portland, followed *ith a talk on lumber manufacturing conditions in the Pacific Northwest.
Reginald T. Titus in his address traced the history -of the eitablishing of American Lumber Standards from the time the conferince was called for this purpose in 1923 by President (then Secretary) Hoover, who was himself appointed chiirman of the- committee which had charge of working out the details of grades, nomenclature and sizes.
Mr.Titus g'ave among the reasons for the adoption of these standards the fact that retailers will handle standard products when the industry switches over to these standards, that architects and engineers are in favor of them, that there will be a tendency foi prices to be more uniform, ald that the Uniform Building eode adopted in many Pacific Coast cities is based on these standards.
The speaker announced that his association- hopes to place a man in California in the near future, whose business it would be to help to promote new business for the industry.
President Prescott led discussion on American Lumber Standards, and many questions were answered on the subject by Mr. Titus.
Those who took part in the discussion included, S. P. Ross, Central Lumbir Co., Hanford; P. G. Galle, Western Lumber Co., Reedley; J. C. Ferger, Swastika Lumber Co., Fresno; W. K. Kendriik, Valley Lumber Co., Fresno; A. I. Russell, Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco; Elmore i<inE, King Lumber Co., Bakersfield; J. F. Wright, BreyWrieht Lumber Co., Porterville; Dan C. Desmond, Mountain?ine Sales Co., Fresno; W. R. Spalding, W. R. Spald- ing Lumber Co., Visalia; Dean Cook, Madera Sugar Pine Lumber Co., Madera.
Frank F. Minard, C. S. Pierce Lumber Co', Fresno, and W. K. Kendrick, Valley Lumber Co., were appointed as a committee to interview box manufacturers in the matter ot fruit trays, box shook and car bracing.
An innovation at this meeting was the awarding of three attendahce prizes. The winners were: lst prize, ^Wry. Cravens ; 2nd. prize, Ray Clotfelter; 3rd prize, Dean Coot.
The nixt mieting of- the club will be- held in the Fall, and will probably be held at some place in the mountains.
The registratioi was as follows:
Charles Schaffer, Citizens' Lumber Co. ... .....King-sbu-rg
E, M. Howard, fulare County Lumber Co. '. ..Visalia
A, J. Crow, C.' S. Pierce Lumber Co. ...Kerman e. E. Jotrn'son, Laton Lumber Co. ..' .Laton
W. W: Boyd,'Parlier Lumber Co. '.. .. ' 'Parlier
W. g. trt"i"tt, March Lumber Co. ..' ......Ivanhoe
Aaron Maisler, Maisler Bros. . ......Fresno
A. P. Dron ..' Fresno
W. R. Spalding, W. R. Spalding Lumber Co. ... ' ..Visalia
A. J. Ruisetl, Slnta Fe Lumber Co' .. ' 'San Francisco
E. W. King,'King Lumber Co. ...Bakersfield
T. C. Fere;. Swastika Lumber Co. .'. .......Fresno i. f. Wr-rgtti, Brey-Wright Lumber Co. ..'..Porterville b.otce A.-G6od. Good Lumber Co... '.Tracy
Ray tlotfelter, W. R. Spalding Lumber Co. ' .. ' ..Visalia
Roler T. O'Hara, Redwood Minufacturers'Co. ....Fresno
O.-H. Carter, Fresno Lumber Co. '......Fresno
W. E. Landram ..Merced
Dan C. Desmond, Mountain Pine Sales Co' " '.Fresno
F-W- Butg"rs, Union Lumber Co. .'. '......San Francisco
H. M. Kofoid, Kotoid Lumber Co. ... ...Caruthers
J. C. Snead, Ji., Wendling-Nathan Co. . San Francisco
W. f. Kenirick, Valley iumber Co. .....Fresno
George Kennedy, Mountain Pine Sales Co. . .Fresno
E. Pl Ruth, n66atey Lumber Co. ...Reedlev
F. G. G"ll.,'Western Lumber Co. .. ' '. ..Reedley
W. Hardwiik, Dinuba Lumber Co. ...
S.-p.-noss, Cbntral Lumber Co.... .Hanford
Dean Cook, Madera Sugar Pine Co. ... ...Madera
G. C. Burnett, Burnett Lumber Co. ' " 'Tulare fr-. et..'"ni Chowchilla Lumber Co' ... -... 'Chowchilla e. F. W.a.t, "Western Lumber Co. ' .. ...Reedle-y
M. b. jottntbn, Sugar Pine Lumber Co. ......Pinedale n f. fin Cloriis L-umber Co. . .......Clovis i.' c. -fiiiroson, Clovis Lumber Co' .. .Clovis
'f. D."rr Ft.scott, Vatley Lumber Co'Fresno