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Building and Loan Association To Hold STthAnnual

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J. R. HANIFY co.

J. R. HANIFY co.

Practically every phase of the building and loan movement is scheduled for discussion at the 37th annual convention of the United States League of Building and Loan Associations to be held in Salt Lake City, Augu st 27, B a1d, D, according to a report released yesterdly by the California Building-Loan League. This-will be'the first conference held in a western city and a heavv attendance iq expected from the Pacific Coast States.


Hon. Reed Smoot, United States ,senator from Utah. is scheduled to give one of the principal addresses. ,.Educational Problems Facing Building and Loan" will be the subject of a talk by Professor H. Morton Bodfish, Northwestern University, while Dr. Donald Scott, Profeisor of Economics, Southern Methodist University. will discuss "The Menace of Inflation." Building-Loan leaders from the Western States will take an active part in the national conglaye. R. Holtby Myers, Los Angeles, vice-president of the United States League, will talk on 'fThree Score plus;" L. q._qtiqd, Portland, "Resources and Liabilities;" A. J. Brornfield, Denver, Colorado, "Responsibility of Appraisers;,' O. R. Dibblee, Salt Lake City, Utah, "Our Busin-eis Frontier;" W. E. Bouton, San Francisco, "Our State League Activi!ies;" A. A. Anderson, Los Angeles, "NatidnalThrift and Neill Davis, Los Angeles, "Advertising and Publicity."

The Educational Division of the League, known as the American Savings, Building and Loan Institute, will hold its annual m_eeting, August 26, the day preceding the league conference. In addition to addresses a demonstiation sh-ort c_ours_e in "The Appraisal of Real Estate" will be given under the direction of Dr. Horace F. Clark, Director of the Institute. John P. Kennedy, Los Angeles, will open the discussion 9J the topic, "Appraising the Lotin the-City of Large Size."

_ Thq 1932 League convention is practically assured for L_os Ang_eles. The centennial of building and loan in the United States will be celebrated in 19311t the convention to be held in Philadelphia.

Drnest Johnson Vtstts Caltfornta

_ Ernest p. Johnson, sales manager of the C. D. Johnson Lumber'Co., Portland, Ore., left San Francisco \ttav 27. after spending three weeks on a business trip to California. He traveled over the northern territory wiin ,q,. B. Griswold, manager of the company's San Francisco office, and visited the southern territory in cornpany with Russell T. Gheen, manager of the Los Angeles bfifice.

F. DEAN ""''"O'' A' "ONOLULU /

BROWN'S SUPERCEDAR clorct lining buriners is GOOD.

Have you forereen thil greEt demand with a ctock or have you been left at the post? Put in a stock of BROWN'S SUPERCEDAR doset lining and




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F. Dean Prescott, general manager of the Valley Lumber Company, Fresno, a-companied dy Mrs. prescoit and six relatives, making upa family party of eight, sailed from Los Angeles on June 1 on the Ciiy of ll,os Angeles for Honolulu.

The party will be away about six weeks, and while in the islands will take in all the inter-island trios.

Perry Dame Visits Northwest On Way East

^ Ferry D3rme, {egtern sales manager of the Creo-Dipt Company, Inc., left San Francis.o on IIay 25 for Seattle on the fast coast steamer H. F. Alexander. Mr. Dame will sp.gld- a few days in Seattle and one day in Spokane and will then go to North Tonawanda, N. Y.; to visit the company's home office.

Let ussell you a car. It can bemixed with any other items of Old Growth Yellow Fir worked uppers.

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Ingersoll on

(Robert Ingersoll's thoughts over the grave of Napoleon have been quoted innumerable times, and are admittedly among the all-time classics in the English language. And little has been said of his tribute to Robert Burns, which probably exceeds the Napoleon tribute in strength, beauty of thought and expression, and wonderful eloluence. Here it is.)

"I visited them all, all the places made immortal by his genius, the field where love first touched his heart, the field where he ploughed up the Home of the Mouse. I saw'the cottage where Robert and Jean first lived as man and wife, and walked on 'the banks and braes of Bonnie Doon'. And when I stood by his grave, I said: This man was a real, genuine man. This man believed in the dignity of labor, in the nobility of the useful. This man believed in human love, in making a heaven here, in judging men by their deeds instead ofby creed6 and titles. This man believed in libertyoftfie soul, of thought and speech. This man believed in the sacred rights of the individual; he sympathized with the'suffering and oppressed. This man had the genius to change suffering and to l into a song' to enrich poverty, to make a peasant feel like a prince of the blood' to fill the lives of the lowly with love and light. This man

True Intelligence

True intelligence is a superior sort of awareness by which one is able to react fully, freely and completely to all forms of stimuli. It irnplies the will to know and a desire to initiate any means toward that end. It is superior to all book larowledge or college education, for by original methods of research and inquiry it gives the world new knowledge. It is the worlds greatest single asset, as ignorance is its greatest liability. The world puts a big premium on gengine intelligence.


"So I said to her: 'Do you remember the boy that used to pull your pigtails at school?'and she said:'Oh, was that you?' and I said: 'No, that was my father."'


Girls when they went out to swim

Once dressed like Mother Hubbard; But now they have a bolder whim

They dress more like her cuPboard.

Robert Burns

had the genius to make robes of glory out of squalid ragsThis man had the genius to make Cleopatras, and Sapphos' and Helens out of the freckled girls of the villages and fields -and he had the genius to make AuId Ayr, and Bonnie Doon, and Sweet Afton and the Winding Nith, murmur the name of Robert Burns forever. This man left a legacy of glory to Scotland and the whole world; he enriched our language, and, with a generous hand, scattered the gems of thought. This man was the companion of poverty, and wept the tears of grief, yet he has caused millions to shed the happy tears of joy. His heart blossomed in a thousand songs-+ongs for all times and all seasons-suited to every experience of the heart-songs for the dawn of love-for the glance and clasp and kiss of courtship-for 'favors secret, sweet and precious'-for the glow and fame-the ecstacy and rapture of married life-songs of parting and despair-songs of hope and simple joy-songs for the vanished day-songs for birth and burial-songs for wild war's deadly blast-songs for gentle peace-songs for labor and content-songs for the spinning wheel, the sickle and the plow-songs for sunshine and for storm, for laughter and for tears-songs that will be sung as long as language lives and passion sways the heart of man."

The Dogs Still Wait

My grandpa notes the world's worn cogs' And says we're going to the dogsHis granddad in his house of logs Swore things werq going to the dogs. His dad among the Flemish fogs Vowed itrings were going to the dogs. The cave man in his queer skin togs Said things were going to the dogs. But this is what I wish to stateThe dogs have had an awful wait.

Perhaps Lack Of Cash Registers

"You want more money? Why, boy, I worked three years for eleven dollars a month right here in this establishment' and now I own it."

"Well, you see what happened to YOUR boss. No man who treats his help that way can hang onto his !u5iness."The Weather Vane.

I J NroN ort- coMpANy's oirreservoir under construction near Brea, California. C-apacity 750,000 bbls. Floorarea 141,000 Equare feet. Twelve trhousand (12,000) sacks of Victor Portland Cement were used in this reservoir because of the need for maximum strength and oil-proof gualities. Brown-Dauser Company, Brea, California, dealer supplying cement.


SOUTHWESTERN PORTTAND CEMENT CO. 605 H. W. Hellman Bldg. - Lor Angeler, Californie

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