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C. D. Johnson Lumber Co. Announce Addition to Sales Staff
C. D. Johnson Lumber Company announce that A. L. McMurran. who has been associated with the Pacific Spruce Corporation for the past six years as superintendent of shipping, is now working as salesman out of their Los Angeles office.
Mr. McMurran has had 2O years' experience in the sawmill business, part of which time was spent in operating plants in the Northwest, so that he is a thoroughly practical lumberman.
Wooden Box Manufacturers Meet at Los Angeles
The Pacific Coast Division of the National Association of Wooden Box Manufacturers held its second 1930 triannual meeting at the Jonathan Club in Los Angeles May 213 and. D. J. M. White of the Long-Bell Lumber Co. at 'Weed, chairman of the division, presided. R. H. Morehouse of San Francisco is secretary-manager. A committee 'u/as appointed to formulate a code of ethics and a uniform method of figuring cost and terms of sale. This committee con-sists of Walter S. Johnson, Associated Lumber & Box Co., San Francisco; J. W. Rodgers, Lassen Lumber & Box Co., San Francisco; C. F. Setzer, Setzer Box Co., Sacramento; P. C. Burke, Sacramento Box & Lumber Co., Sacramento; C. R. Wisdom, California Pacific Box Co., San Francisco; W. G. Hyman, Pacific Box Co., Ltd., San Francisco, and C. N. Daggett. Competition of tfre fibre box manufacturers was the subject of much discussion and the American Railway Association was asked to collect data for the purpose of comparison on damage to both wooden and fibre containers in carload and in less than carload shipments. Herman Paine of Southern California Box Co., Los Angeles, was host to about 4O members of the association at a cabaret dinner at the Jonathan Club. The next meeting will be held at Spn Francisco August 27 and,8, 1930.