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iRTiTC Frames
Hr*, is a new frame which is receiving that characteristic ready-acceptance given Long-Bell lumber products by the building trade. It is scientifically designed and accurately manufactured. It meets theexacting demands of modern constfuction.
NOTE the wedge-shaped tongue-andgroove ioints, interlocking to Prevent air,w^terand heat leakage. This frame defies the weather and conbrms to piesent-day insulation standards. Of course it is manufactured from the heartwood of durable Douglas fir. Every member of the Long-Bell ..AIRTITE" Frame interlocks with another. There is only one way to set up this frame and that is the correct way. The seven units of the frame are packed in two bundles. Upright memberswill fit with cross members of other sizes. Assembly on the iob can be made in less than ten minutes.
Special Features Aid Dealers' Sales
The following special features, illusrated above, provide the lum5er dealer with sound sales arguhents that are readily accepted by careful builders: DripCap (t) is rabbeted (z) to provide a weatherprobf i<iint ri'ith the Head Ca3ins (r l).Vedge shaped groov6 in Head Casing receives Blind Stop tongue (4) to make a weatherproof joint.
Side Casing ( 14) and. Blind Stop (4) joined by wedge shaped tongrre. and groove to provrde aootner weatnerptoot ,ornt.
Head and Side Casings (r3 and r4) fitted by wedge groove(3)andtongue (8),making weatherproof ioint.
Dadoes on Pulley Stiles to receive HeadJamb (l) and Sill (15) are /r-;r.1t deeper than Parting Stop (Z; groove, to prevent air and water leakage.
Proper pitch to Sill (15) assures free drainage. Pitch of ihside Sash Shoulder is LYz to 12, which allows the carpenter to use a stock Stool.
Outside shoulder (9) of Sill has %-inch depth' assuring a weatherptoof joint with tbe Storm Sash.
Sill is double horned (ro) for Blind Stop, the inside shoulder extending 2r/4 itches beyondlhe back of lamb. This feature provides a weatherproof ioint -with the Side Casine-(14). Sill is mouldeil with both faces parallel (l2).-Thi's assures a tight ioint the entire width of the Jamb.
\9ater Drips (1r) oo Drip Cap and Sill prevent water from backing up. No. 16 is Siding plough in bottom of Sill.