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"Otly t{re Piston movestt
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Priced at tlOO and up.
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YOU INCRBASE your buriaer in two wryr by handling Trurcon fUetel tl.thr. Fir4, ybu open up new martet for rdcr. Second, you enlat3e your prelent nar&ct for lunber by providing f,re. proofng for it. Trucon ltlct l L.tht ere e complete line raanulactured in Crtifornir end rtoc&cd in loc.l Trurcon werehourer. 'Writc for full iafornation.
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Metal Lixth
Rentiniscurt of tlte art ol ancient Greece the perglotc bttilt of Red.woqd adds a classic f eeling to tlis erpansizte estate near Berheley. H. H. Gutterson. architect.
,4 contbination, of rare cltarnt. wrought sturd\t timbering, flastcr and, stone, Irarnaonized u,ith a split shake roof, is found in this friendly English rlwtorhouse. The richly carved frieze and aerge boards and rou.cllt h.ezun tincbers are of Redu,ood. Myron, Hu.nt and H. C. Chombers, architect s.