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N. L. M. A. Committees to Meet in Chicago
Washington, May 31.-Two important committees ordered at the recent meeting of directors of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association will hold their first meetings in Chicago during the second week in June, it has been announced by Wilson Compton, Secretary and Manager of the Association. These will be the committee to consider the proposals laid before the directors in the form of a plan for the establishment of orderly controls in the industry and the committee to consider effective means for extended co-operation of lumber manufacturers with retail dealers.
On June 1O there will be a meeting of attorneys for leading lumber companies and lumber associations to consider the legal aspects of the proposed plan as an aid to the committee on orderly controls. The committee proper will meet on June 11 and 12. Members of this committee include: Messrs. John W. Blodgett, chairman; Charles S. Keith, John W. Watzek, Jr., F. E. Weyerhaeuser, W. M. Ritter, Jesse Andrews, E. L. Carpenter and A. J. Peavy. A group of the legal advisors of leading lumber companies and associations will meet jointly with the committee.
The committee on dealer co-operation will meet on June 10. This is composed of Messrs. Harry T. Kendall, chairman; J. P. Hennessy, G. W. Dulany, Jr., Edward Hines and M. W. Stark.
H. B. Wiscomb to Represent Harbor Plywood Corp.
H. Bruce Wiscomb. well known to the lumber trade in the Southwest for a number of years, has just been appointed Southern California representative for the Harbor Plywood Corporation, effective June 15.
The Harbor Plywood Corporation is one of the largest manpfacturers of Douglas Fir Plywood and also an extensive manufacturer and distributor of doors and veneers. Its mills are at Grays Harbor, Wash., and distributing branches cover most of the important centers of the United States. Since its organization last fall it has been marking its products with the brand name, Harbord.
Mr. Wiscomb will have as his territory all of Southern California, and contiguous territory and will sell the entire line of products of the company. During the past eight years, he has been closely associated with this line of business and is familiar with the territory. His offices will be at 203 Architects' Building, Los Angeles.
Sacramento Adopts Five-Day Building Week
By agreement between contractors and organized labor, Sacramento building craftsmen adopted the live-day week plan June 2. Sacramento was said to be the eighth city in the nation to adopt a five-day week for the building trades.
H. E. Crawford Now With Little River Redwood Co.
H. E. Crawford, who was for some years connected with the Redwood industry in an executive capacity, has been appointed assistant general manager of The Little River Redwood Company with headquarters at Crannell, according to an annoucement by H. W. Cole, vice-president and general manager of the company.
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