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Random Items---Mill Run

Returns From Northwest

A. J. "Gus" Russell, head of the Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, returned to his desk June 12, from a business trip to the Northwest. Mr. Russell left San Francisco May 29, and made the trip by automobile, visiting Portland, Tac.oma, Seattle and other points in Washington and Oregon.

Mason Kline Visits Los Angeles

Mason C. Kline, Union Lumber Company, San cisco, was a visitor at the company's Los Angeles around the first of the month rvhere he spent a few on company business.

Walter Scrim On Eastern Trip

Franoffice days

Walter G. Scrim, Los Angeles, United States representative of the Findlay Millar Timber Co., is on an Eastern business trip where he will visit the lumber centers in the Middle 'West, along the Atlantic Seaboard, and Canada.


It's a boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johnson, where little Alfred, Jr., arrived the other day. Mr. Johnson is one of the owners of the Capital Lumber Co., Sacramento.

Earle Johnson Vtstts Texas

Earle E. Johnson, Independent Lumber Co., Livermore, left June 10 to pay a visit to his father and mother in Dalhart, Texas. Earle, who was raised in Texas will be able to tell some of his old cowboy friends of the big success made again this year by the Livermore rodeo, of which he was ticket chairman, and one of those largely responsible for the financial success of the affair. He will be gone two weeks.

Don Philips Returns From Northwest Trip

Don Philips, Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has returned from a two weeks' trip in the Northwest where he ,called on the company's mill connections in the Coos Bay, Grays Harbor and Portland districts.

Guy Smith In East

Guy E. Smith, general sales manager, Chas. R. mick Lumber Co., San Fran'cisco, left June 3 for business trip to Chicago, New York and other cities.

McCora 30-day Eastern


L. A. Godard, sales representative for Hobbs-Wall & Co., San Francisco, spent a ferv days in Los Angeles the latter part of Ma-r'.

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