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C. H. Griffen Retires From So. California Retailers' Picnic Lumber Business
The Barr Lumber Co. of Santa Ana has purchased the C. H. Griffen Lumber Co. yard at Artesia, Calif., and will operate the yard under their own name.
Mr. Griffen, who has been associated with the lumber business in Southern California for many years, is retiring from business. He lvas connected with the Montgomery & Mullin Lumber Co. for many years, and when the Patien-Davies Lumber Co. acquired their interests in 1918, he established the C. H. Griffen Lumber Co. at Artesia.
While his flag has been hauled down, Mr. Griffen will afiectionately remain in the hearts of the old time lumber fraternity of Southern California, u'ho hal'e known him since the early days of this century when he rvas connected with the Montgomery & Mullin Lumber Co. Always a friendly, loyal and upright man, he will be missed from the industry.
Wholesale Association Gets New Members
Three more lumber companies have recently joined the California Wholesale I umber Association. These are as follows: Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., of Montesano, Wash., and Petroleum Securities Building, Los Angeles; Wilson Bros. & Co., Russ Building, San Francisco, and 480O W. Pi,co Street, Los Angeles, and Trower Lumber Co., 110 Market Street, San Francisco.
June 24
Earl Johnson, Johnson Lumber Co., Pasadena, Chairman of the Arrangements Committee for the California Retail Lumbermen's Association picnic, Southern Division, that will be held at Brookside Park, Section A, Pasadena, Calif., Saturday afternoon, Jane 24,1933, announces that the comrnittee have arranged a fine program of games and sports' events for the afternoon.
There will be a baseball game between the Retail and Wholesale lumbermen. Other events include : tug-a-war; nail driving contest for ladies; fat men's race; running races for men, ladies and children, etc. Prizes will be ar,varde<i to the rvinners of the various events.
All lumbermen, including all branches of the industry, their families and friends are invited to attend. The picnic will start at 12 o'clock, noon. Ice cream and coffee will be free. Bring your own cups.
Returns From Southern Trip
John C. McCabe, Andrew F. Mahoney Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned from a trip to Southern California where he spent several days on company business matters and ,calling on the trade. He visited Los Angeles, Long Beach, Wilmington and San Pedro, Santa Ana, Solano Beach and San Diego.