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Forsyth Hardwood Company's Yard Swept bv Ftre tVill be Rebuilt lmmediately

Practi,cally the entire hardwood stock of the Forsyth Hardwood Co., 1855 San Bruno Aven'ue, San Francisco, was destroyed when a spe,ctacular four-alarm fire, believed to have been the work of a firebug, swept through their yard on the night of May 31. Several other lumber yard fires started within a period of a few days are thought to have been set by the same incendiary.

P. R. "Bob" Kahn, manager of the Forsyth Hardr,vood Co., announces the plant will be rebuilt immediately, and refurnished complete up to its former capacity, and the company will continue to maintain its former policy of handling only the finest hardwoods obtainable.

The fire, discovered at 1l:30 p.m., was believed to have started in the sheds where the kiln-dried material was stored. Mr. Kahn was on the job very shortly after, and while the firemen were still working, started placing his first long distance calls at 4:30 a.m. to Eastern and Southern hardwood mills to purchase material to replenish stocks. New stocks to the extent of more than 1,000,000 feet have been purchased and several carloads of this have already arrived.

Forsyth Hardwood Co. carried in their well assorted stock about 32 varieties of foreign and domestic hardwoods, amounting to over 1,000,000 feet, and always specialized in the highest type of material.

Some items of valuable woods lost in the fire are absolutely irreplacable, that is, they cannot be bought in the open market. These include four-inch and thicker walnut, maple and birch, of extremely wide lvidths. The fire loss, however, was fully covered by insurance, and the work of rebuilding began without any delay, following prompt adjustment of the loss.

Many items of the stock are redeemable, Mr. Kahn says, and this partly burnt and w-ater damaged stock is being offered and freely sold at very attractive prices.

The plant of the Acme Manufacturing Co., 1845 San Bruno Avenue, adjoining the Forsyth yard was partiallv damaged by fire and water.

In spite of the severe fire loss, damaging our entire stock, we are rebuilding immediately.

New, clean, stocks to the extent of over IrO00r00O feet have been purchased at low prices. Some of this lumber is already on hand, and cars are arriving daily.


We are offering partly burnt anil waler-damageil stocft at bargain prices.

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