2 minute read
A Swede was touring the south in a motor car. One day it broke down as he drove along a country road, and he found his tool box had been left behind, and he was badly in need of a monkey-wrench to tighten some bolts. He saw a cabin down the road a piece, and walked down there. In the yard was a stout colored woman, laboring over a steaming wash tub, and the yard was literally filled with taughing, tumbling, playing negro youngsters of all sizes and
Lumber Survey Committee Ponders
"Manufa ctwedt' House-lndustry
Benefttg From New Building
Washington, May 24.-The Lumber Survey Committee of the Timber Conservation Board says in its quarterly report to the Department of Commer,ce that the lumber industry is beginning to benefit from new building, repairs and modernization. In this connection the Committee finds that the low-cost house will be the medium of the best market for lumber and implies that the lumber industry must be ready to give the public some sort of a prefabricated house. Incidentally, the Committee called attention to the fact that "a substantial proportion of the CCC camp buildings is now being purchased in the form of demountable structures." The Committee further finds that the lumber industry must give concentrated attention to research in architectural style and engineering design in prefabricated buildings of various types.
The average wholesale lumber price index as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which was 79.9 in March, 1935, is stated to be the lowest price since August, 1933 and 10 per cent below the 88 high of 1933-34. Other major building material price indices have declined less than three points from their highs of the last two years.
A reduction of 900,000,000 feet in lumber stocks is considered desirable.
The Committee finds that if American lumber is to continue a substantial factor in the world lumber trade, foreign markets must be aggressively penetrated.
The Committee states that lumber sales reported to the National Lumber Barometer during the first quarter of 1935 were 24 per cent above reported producti,on, the latter being about the same as last year; but estimated total production is indicated to have been about ZO per cent less than for the corresponding period in 1934, apparently in sexes. The Swede said to the colored woman: "Missus, Ay vant to know have you got har a monkey wranch?" dicating the ,closing of many mills in the past few months due to unfavorable market conditions.
The colored woman straightened up from her work, indignation showing plainly on her face.
"Go on along, white man," she said, truculently. "You know mouty well dis ain't no monkey ranch. Dem is all Mah own chilluns, dey is."
Lumber Consumption during the first half of 1935 is estimated at 8,638,000,000 feet, as compared with 7,884,0m,0OO feet in the first six months of. 1934. The anticipated consumption of lumber for the second quarter of 1935 is put at 4,412,W,W feet and the prospective total for the year is suggested as being 17 to 18 billion feet, as compared with 15,467,000,000 feet in 1934 and 13,105,000,000 in 1932, which was the year of lowest consumption in three-quarters of a century.
Announces California Sales Representatives
A. H. Landram, sales manager of the St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co., Tacoma, 'Wash., announces efiective June 10 the Tacoma Lumber Sales of Los Angeles will represent the company in Southern California, and the Paramino Lumber Company of San Francisco will be their representative in Northern California.
Finished Lumber Rates Suspended
Washington, June ll.-The Interstate Commer,ce Commission today announced suspension of reduced rates on partly finished lumber from Pacific Coast points to points east of the Indiana-Illinois State line. The suspension, effective today, is for six months. Hearings have been set for June 24 at the Sherman Hotel in Chi,cago to decide whether to permit the lower rates after six months. The rates proposed ranged lrom 72 to 79 cents a hundred pounds and represented a reduction ranging up to 18 cents. The proposal did not affe,ct any destinations in the West.