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Ten Years Ago Today
From the Files of The California Lumber Merchant, June 15,1925
Frank Burnaby, Sun Lumber Company, Beverly Hills, left Los Angeles on June 4 lor a three weeks' visit to Chicago. Frank is probably celebrating his latest achievement on the golf course as he recently made a "hole-in-one" at the Los Angeles Country Club.
The Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club has decided to hold a "Wives and Kiddies Day" meeting. The meeting will be held on J.,-e 25' :f )r :t
J. B. Campbell, Roy & Titcomb, Inc., Nogales, was elected president at the annual convention of the Arizona dealers at Nogales last month.
Reprinted in this issue in an article from the San Francisco Examiner of May 20, 1925 giving a sketch of A. J. "Gus" Russell, Santa Fe Lumber Co., whi'ch appeared under their regular daily feature, "Snappy Shots."
A photograph shows Carl Libbey, manager of the Redwood operations of McKai' & Company, at Eureka, and his six months old daughter, Mary Libbey. Carl was a visitor at the company's San Francisco of6ce, and as this was his first visit to the Bay District since Mary's arrival, he was busy telling his many lumbermen friends all about his young daughter. ***
Emerson Phillips, formerly a student at the University of Minnesota, has returned to California and is now associated with the Burlingame Lumber Co. at Millbrae. He will assist his brother, E. E. Phillips, in the management of the concern. :F * *
Harry Vincent, San Francisco, general manager of the E. K. Wood Lumber Co., has returned from a trip over the company's operations in Southern California and the Northwest'
Announcement was made of the marriage of Miss Minnie Diehl to Edward DeClinton Conolley at Oakland on May 24. Miss Diehl is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sanford David Diehl of Oakland. Mr. Conolley is associated with the Spring Valley Lumber Co. of San Francisco. **!f
The Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 bowling team was the winners in a match game with the team representing the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco on Monday evening, May 25. Oscar Johnson, Fred Matthai, Bill Rampe, Milt Conklin and Rod Hendrickson bowled for the Hoo-Hoo team while Hugh Handley, Reg Smith, Louis Beakie, Bob Fox and Ed Martin represented the Lumber Salesmen's club'
San Francisco Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 announced that the second annual dinner dance would be held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, on Saturday evening, Jane27.
The Santa eruz Lumb; ; iu. pro.h"red the plant of J. H. Sinkinson & Son at Santa Cruz and will continue the operation of their new plant in conjunction with their general retail lumber business. ***
The East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club announces a con'catenation to be held at the Hotel Oakland, Oakland, Saturday evening, June 20. Following the concatenation there will be a "Session on the Roof" with a buffet supper and entertainment. ,F :k ,<
B. E. Bryan, Strable Hardwood Company, Oakland, has been elected secretarv of the San Francisco Hardwood Club. :&d<*
W. T. White, president of White Brothers, San Francisco, has left on a European tour. He will return to San Francis'co in the fall, and during his absence, C. Harry White, vice president and general manag'er, will be at the helm of the company's hardwood operations.
The McKinnon Lumber Co., Hollister, is now located in their new modern equipped lumber offi.ce. The interior of the office is very attractive and finished with hardwood panels and hardwood floors. They also have a very attractive display room. ***
Thomas Work, Jr., son of Thomas Work of the Work Lumber Co., Monterey, was the winner of the high jump at the Intercollegiate Meet held at Seattle. He is a member of the Stanford track team, and will also participate in the National Collegiate Meet at Chicago.
There is a two-page arti'cle in this issue on the Hipolito Company operations. The article carries photographs of H. L. Rosenberg and L. M. Rosenberg, executives of the company, also illustrations of several buildings in Southern California whi,ch include views of homes, s'chools and apartments where Hipolito screens are installed.
In this issue are reproduced advertisements of interest to home owners re'cently put out by The Minton Company of Mountain View, and Cutter Mill & Lumber Co. of Sacramento.
Frederick Whitton was the speaker of the day at the Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 meeting held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, May 28. Mr. Whitton talked on the League of Nations and the World Court. R. A. Hiscox was,chairman of the meeting.
Walter Best was chairman of the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club meeting on May 28. A questionnaire was passed around with a list of puzzling names with instructions to fill in the name of a tree with 'characteristics 'correspon,ding to the descriptive names. Dave Woodhead was the winner of the ,contest and received a beautiful gold pencil.
An essay contest for the best papers submitted by the g'rammar and high s,chool students of Calexi,co on "The Advantages of Home Ownership" was recently conducted by the Sones Lumber Company of Calexico, Calif. The contest was advertised in the Calexico newspapers offering two sets of cash prizes for the best papers, one group for g'rammar s,chool students and the other for high school students. The prizes for ea,ch group were as follows: First, $25,00; second, $15.00; Third, 97.50, and five prizes of 92.50 each. Hundreds of papers were submitted. Berni,ce Rogers, fifteen years old, was the winner of the first prize for the high school students.
The Olrren-Oregon Lumber Company at Medford, Ore., has bought five new Moore Reversible Internal Fan Kilns. With the five new kilns, the company will have a total of ten kilns in operation.
The Southern Pacific Milling Co. is adding two more yards to their chain, one at Pismo Beach and the other at Gonzales.
The San Fernando Valley Lumbermen's Club met at San Fernando on the evening of May 20. H. C. Clampitt presided at the meeting.
Appointed Secretary
John C. Haring, formerly of the Haring Sash & Door Co., San Fran,cisco, and well known for many years in the sash, door and plywood business, has been appointed secretary of the Fir Plywood Association of Northern California, succeeding Merrill Robinson who has resigned.
The office of the Asso,ciation is in the Monadnock Building, San Francisco.
Appointed Advertising Agent
E. H. Batchelder, Jr., Vice President of the Insulite Company, today announced the appointment of Mr. M. C. Fairfield as Advertising Agent of the Insulite Company, to suc,ceed H. H. Strostrusch, resigned.
Mr. Fairchild has had long experience in advertising, having served five years as advertising manag'er with the Flax-li-num Insulating Company, now liquidated, and ten years in direct mail work.
ASTHMA and SUMMER COLDS are unnecessary. Complete relief only /l.fi) Postpaid. Nothing else to buy. Over 40,O(X) HOLFORD'S WONDER INHALERS sold last year alone. Mail f,l.fi) today for full season's relief to THE DANDEE CO.,252 HENNEPIN AVENUE, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, or write for Free Booklet.