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A Atre w Edition of ((CULLUD" FUN
-'|Price ONE DOLLARPostpaid anywhere in the U. S. o
The first two editions of ttCullud" Fun have been eold out. This third edition especially produced to tneet the continued demand for this famous book. Order your copy now. Just fill in the coupon, attach your check and mail.
Enclored find --- ------- for which rend no copier. of ttCullud" Fun.
His Afternoons Were All Taken
A man with the earmarks of a laborer was watching a big construction job. It was short of men, and the foreman, noticing him, asked him if he wanted a job.
"Sure," he said, "but I can only work forenoons."
"Why?" asked the foreman.
"'Cause I've got a regular job every afternoon carrying a banner in the unemployment parade."
The House By The Side Of The Road
There are herrnit souls that live withdrawn. In the place of their self-content; There are souls like stars that dwell apart In a fellowless firmament;
There are pioneer souls that blaze their paths, Where the highways never ranBut let me live by the side of the road
And be a friend to man.
Let me live in a house by the side of the road Where ihe race of men go by-
The men who are good and the men who are bad As good and as bad as I;
I would not sit in the scorner's seat
Or hurl the cynic's ban-
Let rne live in a house by the side of the road And be a friend to man.
I see from my house by the side of the road-
By the side of the highway of life-
The men who press with the ardour of hope-
The men who are faint with strife:
But I turn not away from their smiles or their tears
(But parts of an Infinite plan)
Let me live in a house by the side of the road And be a friend to man.
Let me live in a house by the side of the road, Where the race of men go byThey are good, they are bad, they are weak, they are strong, Wise, foolish-so am f.
Then why should I sit in the scorner's seat, Or hurl the cynic's ban?
Let me live in a house by the side of the road And be a friend to man.
-Sam Foss.
Above The Clouds
When the aeroplane strikes a bank of clouds or fog that dims the vision of the driver and makes flying difficult and dangerous, he simply turns the nose of his,machine upward and flies above the clouds.
So do thinking men in all their problems of life. It is one of the greatest secrets of harmony, and of success. There is always a clear sky above the clouds and fog.
Think it over. Just get your thinking above the clouds of discouragement, of pessimism, of false beliefs, and of fearful thinking, and you will find the bright sky-every time.
The motor purred softly as the corlple drove along the lovely country lane. The moon was full, and there was romance in the air. The fair girl looked frequently and longingly out of the corner of her eye at the agreeable looking young man at her side. But he just kept on driving, watching the road closely. Ffe seemed scarcely aware of her loveliness. Then the motor coughed, wheezed, slowed down, and the car stopped.
"It's dead," said the young man, looking at the motor.
"Well, it has lots of company," said she, icily.
Smiles And Frowns
If I knew the box where the smiles are kept, No matter how large the key, Or strong the bolt, I would try so hard fTwould open, I know, for me. Then over the land and sea broadcast, I'd scatter the smiles to play, That the children's faces might hold them fast, For many and rnany a day.
If I knew the box that was large enough, To hold all the frowns I meet, I would like to gather them, every one, From nursery, school, and street.
Then, folding and holding, I'd pack them in, By turning the master key, Then I'd hire a giant to drop the box, In the depths of the deep, deep sea.
A Good Debtor
A good debtor is one whose applied earning equdpment, whether it be property, muscle, or brain, indicates sufficient incorne to take care of the line of credit desired, and whose known inclinations warrant that in case of temporary failure, his honor will remain intact.
Farm Home Remodeling Shown in New " Film "lfill and l(/ay
"The Will and the Way," a two-reel motion picture showing how an 80-year old farmhouse in Wisconsin was turned into a modern home by an ambitious 'couple, who inherited it, has just been released by the Division of Motion Pictures, Extension Service, of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, for the use of schools, colleges, social organizations and any others interested in the rem,odeling of farmhouses. The picture was made for the Bureau of Agricultural Engineering.
The film is available in 16 and 25 millirneter sizes and takes about 20 minutes to show. A short film strip, used by the Federal Housing Administration in illustrating its house-remodeling program also is available. Short lecture notes accompany the film strip. Either of these films and many others may be borrowed from the Extension Service by paying transportation costs.
The 8Gyear old house was of frame construction and sound, but had no modern conveniences. The remodeled home is larger, has eight rooms, a bathroom, water supply, Electri,city, heated garag'e, fruit and vegetable storage and a convenient kitchen. It is insulated for,comfort in summer and winter. Because the stone from an old house down the road could be had for the hauling, the owners decided to' use it for the exterior.
Throughout the picture, the farmer and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Ford, are seen planning and working together on the remodeling of the old homestead.
"Red" Wood I soy".'
"There is a grade of Redwood for every purpose-be sure to get the proper grade.
SHOP COMMONShall contain not less than 60/o of ttA" and better cuttings )" and wider by 3' and longer.
Recommended where a cutting up grade can be used, such as:
Recommends Continuance o[ Forest Practrce Rules
Portland, Ore., June 3.-Following the Supreme Court de'cision in the Schechter case, the effect of which is to terminate all Codes heretofore issued under the Recovery Act, the Executive Committee of the \Mestern Pine Association, meeting in Portland on May 29th, was of the opinion that the Western Pine Industry must now demonstrate its capacity for rational industrial self-government and accordingly adopted the following resolution for the consideration of the members of the 'Western Pine Industry :
"The Western Pine Industry is urged to continue its observance of the Forest Practice Rules drawn up and adopted by the Industry in June, 1934, and recommends that the Western Pine Association continue its activities in connection with the promotion of conservation and sustained produ,ction of forest resources.
It is recommended that the Western Pine Industry maintain at least the minimum code hourly wages and that it continue to observe the principle of the eight hour day."
Studies Manufacturing End Of Redwood Business
Lon S. Garrett, salesman for The Pacific Lumber Company in the San Joaquin .Valley, is spending a few weeks at the company's sawmill at Scotia.