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Northwest Plywood Mills Organize For World Trade

Joint action in developing foreign markets for Douglas Fir Plywood has been assured through the establishment of the Pacific Forest Industries, ac,cording to an announcement made by E. W. Daniels of Hoquiam, Washington, president of the new company. Every plywood producer interested in foreign trade on Columbia River, Grays Harbor and Puget Sound has joined this new enterprise. The world's deman'd for plywood has been steadily increasing during the past few years, according to Mr. Daniels, and the exports of Douglas Fir plywood have doubled during this period. This spectacular growth is largely due to the important natural advantages of the Northwestern plywood plants, and the excellency of the raw material. Nowhere in the world, says Mr. Daniels, is there such an abundant supply of virgin softwood timber of large dimensions, and nowhere has the technique of large scale plywood production been developed to better advantage. The industry has thus far been able to maintain these advantages in the face of increasing foreign competition which is favored with substantially lower labor cost than the Ameri,can interests.

Supported by the extensive domestic market, the Northlvest plywood producers are in an excellent position to cater to the foreign demand. In the past, these foreign markets have largely been developed through individual efforts. However, it has become evident that any appreciable expansion of present foreign markets must be accomplished through joint trade promotional efforts, ac,cording to Mr. Daniels. For this purpose, the new company was established, and it is made up of the following member companies which includes the entire group of plywood manufacturers located in Washington and Oregon: Buffelen Lumber & Mfg. Co., Tacoma, Wash.; Henry McCleary Timber Co., M,cCleary, Wash.; Aberdeen Plywood Company, Aberdeen, Wash.; Air'craft Plywood Corp., Seattle, Wash.; Capitol Plywood Company, Olympia, Wash.; Elliott Bay Mill Company, Seattle, Wash.; Harbor Plywood Corporation, Ifoquiam, Wash.; M & M Plywood Corporation, Portland, Oregon; Olympia Veneer Company, Olympia, Wash.; Oregon-Washington Plywood Co., Tacoma, Wash.; The Plylock Corporation, Portland, Oregon; Robinson Mfg. Company, Everett, Wash.; Van'couver Plywood & Veneer Co., Van'couver, Wash.; Washington Veneer Company, Olympia, Wash.; Wheeler-Osgood Sales Corp., Tacoma, Wash.; Peterman Mfg. Company, Tacoma, Wash.

The offices of Pacific Forest Industries will be located in Tacoma, Washington. Officers of the new organization were elected at a meeting held April 4 and they are: President, E,. W. Daniels, Vice-President and Sales Manager of the Harbor Plywood Corporation. Hoquiam, Washington; Vice-President, E. E. Westman, President of Washing'ton Veneer Company, Olympia, Washington; Treasurer, Nor- man O. Cruver, Secretary-Treasurer of Wheeler Osgood Sales Corporation, Tacoma, Washington; and Harrison Clark, Tacoma, was elected Secretary. Mr. Clark has been acting secretary of the Douglas Fir Plywood Association and the Douglas Fir Door Manufa'cturers Association for the past two years.

Mr. Daniels further announced that the new association has been most fortunate in securing the servi'ces of Axel H. Oxholm, who has resided in Washington, D. C., as Managing Director. Mr. Oxholm held.an important post with the United States Department of Foreign and Domestic Commerce and has resigned from his position as Chief of the Forest Products Division of the Department in order to assume his new duties as director of Pacific Forest Industries. For the past eighteen years Mr. Oxholm has headed the Government's forest products export activities and has visited more than forty,sounlries of the world, familiarizing himself with the market possibilities for American forest products. His years of experience in the field of foreign and domestic commerce has made his name widely known throughout the world's important ,commercial centers as well as international lumber markets and it is with gratification that the members of Pacific Forest Industries announce the acceptance of position of Managing Director by Mr. Oxholm. In accepting this position, Mr. Oxholm stated :

"I am glad to accept this position since it is my belief that no other Ameri'can forest produ,cts have such an excellent opportunity of expansion in the foreign field as northwest plywood. The newly esta.blished organization will accomplish better results than is possible through individual efforts. I am particularly pleased to return to the Pacifi,c Northwest where I started in the lumber business twenty years ago."

lllinois Lumbermen Visit California

E. F. Swanson, of Peoria, Ill., salesman for many years for the Hammond Lumber Company in the central Illinois territory, was a recent visitor to California.

This was Mr. Swanson's first visit to the Pacific Coast, and he was ac.companied on the trip, made by automobile, by two good friends and customers, A. B. Vanselow of Springfield, I11., and H. E. Lauterbach of Bartonville, Ill.

The party first toured Southern California, visiting Los Angeles, Hollywood and other cities, and taking in the California Pacific fnternational Exposition at San Diego.

In Northern California they made their headquarters at the company's head office in San Francisco, where Mf. Swanson conferred with the executives, and ,completed their California visit by spending a few days at the Hammond Redwood operation at Samoa, seeing at first hand just how Redwood is logged and manufactured.

National-American Elect Officers

Otis N. Shepard, New York, was elected president of the National-Ameri.can Wholesale Lumber Association at its annual meeting in Atlantic City, May 15-16.

Other officers elected were John I. Coulbourn, Philadelphia, first vice president; Clifton F. Leatherbee, Boston, second vice president, and William Schuette, Jr., New York, treasurer. W. W. Schupner Was re-elected secretarydirecting manager. R. A. Dailey, Seattle, North Coast manager, and S. L. Darling, department manager, were reappointed.

Arthur H. Campbell, Montreal, Canada; John I. Coulbourn, Philadelphia; W. G. Dalin, Portland, Ore.; Albert Germain, Pittsburgh; Dwight Hinckley, Cincinnati; Edgar Hirs,ch, New York; Clifton F'. Leatherbee, Boston; Max Myers, Cleveland; Ben S. Woodhead, Beaumont, Tex., and W. J. Yost, Montgomery, Ala., were elected directors for the three year term expiring in 1938.

J. M. Allen, Vancouver, B. C., and C. N. Troutner, Richmond, Va., were ele,cted directors to fiIl two unexpired terms expiring in 1936 and Elliot K. Harresn, Watertown, N. Y., was elected director to fill the unexpired term expiring in 1937.

OU'D see Sisalkraft backing up t{re srucco and stopping air and moisture. You'd see that its strength had prevenled rips and tears in application and that its protected agphalt membrane is retaining its air-tight, waterproof quality tfiroughout the'life of the house.

fud, if you could look through wdls in which cheap, inelfective building paper was used, youtd insist on your customer having t{re protective value that Sisalkraft ofiers. Ids real G€ohorn/r in the long run.

Ask for our self-demonstrating samples and literature.


55 New Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cdif.

Los Angeles Housing Exposition Brings Out Large Crowds

The National Housing Exposition which was held at the Pan-Pacific auditorium at Los Angeles closed on June 2. The attendance surpassed expectations nearly 275,ffi persons attending during the three weeks' run. The exposition was sponsored by the Los Angeles Better Housing Program Committee.


Above is a black and white miniature of a new window card-"No. 34" in colors-issued on a cooperative price basis by the National Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign Bureau,220l New York Ave., N. W., 'Washington, D. C., which will send a descriptive price list, illustrated in colors, showing these cards and other new display material for use in Clean Up-Paint Up-Fix up campaigns, upon receipt of request.

There were more than 100 exhibits whi'ch demonstrated in detail the latest developments in home construction, furnishing and equipment. Among the lumber and building material firms having exhibits were the W. E. Cooper Lumber Co., E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Pioneer-Flintkote Company, Masonite Corp., El Rey Products Co., Chas. R. McCormick Lum,ber Co., J. H. Baxter & Cg., and the West Coast Wood Preserving Co. Surrounding the auditorium were many features such as the ,completely furnished model homes of the Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., Federal Housing Administration and the Los Angeles Times, and the "Village of Tomorrow," a presentation of model homes in miniature which were made by students of many of the Southern California high schools.

Cliff Henderson, managing-director, said the exposition was a marked success from every standpoint and the exhibitors report that unusual interest was shown in all the displays.

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