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How Lumber Looks
According to reports from the regional associations to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association for the week ended May 22,552 mills produced 48,601,00O feet of hardwoods and softwoods combined; shipped 264,584,On feet, and booked orders oI 223,433,O0O feet.
A total ol I7l down and operating mills in Washington and Oregon which reported to the West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended May D, produced 134,635,788 feet. At the rate of cutting at the reporting mills, the entire industry produced 85.9 per cent of its average weekly cut during 1926D.
The new business reported for the week by these 171 mills was 110,@6,234 board feet. Shipments were 137,593,847 ieet.
Details of orders and shipments were as follows: Orders -Rail, 46,283,1n feet; Domestic Cargo, 4O,976,918 feet; Export, Iz,W/n feet; Local , 9,926,476 feet. ShipmentsRail, 58,386,383 feet; Domestic Cargo, 46,952,ffi2 feet; Export,22,3?3,386 feet; Local, 9,926,476 feet.
The unfilled order file at these mills stood at 687,034,O37 feet'*>****
The Western Pine Association reported new business totaling 57,614,m feet, for the week ended May D, a decrease of 4 per cent under the previous u'eek. The figure rvas based on reports of 103 mills.
Shipments were 71,037,000 feet, and production 89,177,000 feet.
Unfilled orders on hand at the end of the week were 295,116,000 feet.
The same mills, for the corresponding week a year ago. showed orders of 58,977,Offi feet ind pr6duction oi 68,3fr,- ooofeet'
The California Redrvood Association for the week ended May 22 reported production of 13 mills as 9,9@,000 feet, shipments 9,863,000 feet, and nerv business 9,687,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 76,OSZ,W feet. Production at the mills was 8 per cent greater and new business 23 per cent greater than for the same lveek lastYear'
The Southern Pine Association for the week ended May 29, ln mills reporting, gave new business as 28,078,000 feet, shipments 3O,372,000 feet, and production 34,384,000 feet. Orders on hand at these 120 mills at the end of the week totaled 71,137,000 f;et,*eqgivllent to 3,387 cars.
The California market showed very little change during the past two weeks. Building continues active, and in nearly all sections of the state, building permits for the month of May ran ahead of May, 1935. Building permits in Los Angeles for the first eight days of June totaled $1,N,907 as against $1]62,480 for the same period in the previous month of May.
The lumber workers in the Los Angeles yards rvho have asked for increases in wages are negotiating with the employers, and the indications are that a settlement rvill be made.
Lumber cargo arrivals at Los Angeles harbor for the week ended June 5 totaled 23,734,ffi feet. 71 vessels are operating in the coastwise lumber trade.