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Pacific Coast \fhofesale Hardwood Deafers Hold Annual

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Pine Sales Gompany

Frank J. Connolly Elected President

The annual convention of the Pacific Coast Wholesale Hardwood Dealers Association was held at the Empress Hotel, Victoria, B. C., on May 27,28 and D.

P. J. Ahern, Emerson Hardwood Company, portland, Ore., president of the Association, called the convention to order Thursday morning, May 27. President Ahern and Ray C. Anderson, General Plywood Company, Seattle,

Hardwood Co., San Francisco; secretary-treasurer, C. R. Taenzer, American Hardwood Co., Los Angeles.

The second round in the golf tournament was played Friday afternoon.

Friday evening, there was a dinner at the hotel for the members, guests and ladies attending the convention. Bur_ dett Green, secretary-manager of the American Walnut wash', Association Secretary, addressed the meeting, ancl esting souncl moving picture on the manufacture and uses the remainder of the morning was given over to a dis- of American walnut.' J. E. Higgins, Jr., J. E. Higgins Lum_ cussion of association business. President Ahern appoint- ber Co., San Francisco, was toastmaster. ed the resolutions, nominating, convention and golf com- Saturday morning, May 29, ,rr"r. *". a business ses- mittees' -.r___-r sion. Burdett creei addressed the meeting on trade asso-

The first round in the golf tournament was played ciation work and the progress the walnut manufacturers Thursday afternoon',-+.-,,

^r +L^ \T-+r^-^r rr^_J-__^ _t r ,,,-, Manufacturers Associaii"ti, cii."g",'iu; showed an inter-

John Mcclure, secretary of the National Hardwood Lum- have made for the development -of'new outrets for their ber Association, chicago, Ill., spoke on business conditions product. at the session on Friday morning, May 28. D. c. MacLea, ,The finals- in the golf tournarnent were played saturday Maclea Lumber company, Baltimore, Md., and president afternoon. No.m".r'sawers, J. r,yr" i-itn co., Ltd., van_ of the National wholesale Hardwood Distributing Yards couver, B. c., was the winnei of the tournament and was Association, also addressed the meeting. awarded a beautiful cup.

The following were etected officers for the coming year: The annual banquet was held at the hotel Saturday eve* president, Frank J. connolly, western Hardwood Lumber ning with Retirini president p. j. ;;;;; acting as toast_ Co., Los Angeles; vice-president, P. R. Kahn, Forsyth master.

The annual convention next year will be held at Del Monte, Calif.

The following attended the convention:

Jerry Sullivan, Jr., Sullivan Hardwood Lumber Co.. San Diego

John Caulfield, Sullivan Hardwood Lumber Co.. San Diego

Roy Barto, Cadwallader-Gibson Co., Inc.. Los Angeles

Mrs. Roy Barto . . Los Angeles

Jack Brush, Brush Industrial Lumber Co.....Los Angeles

Mrs. Jack Brush Los Angeles

D. J. Cahill, Western Hardwood Company....Los Angeles

Mrs. D. J. Cahill Los Angeles

F. J. Connolly, Western Hardwood Company.Los Angeles

Mrs. F. J. Connolly Los Angeles

L. H. Stanton, E. J. Stanton & Son. ...Los Angeles

Mrs. L. H. Stanton Los Angeles

H. W. Swafford, E. J. Stanton & Son Los Angeles

Mrs. H. W. Swafford Los Angeles

J. E. Higgins, Jr., J. E. Higgins Lumber Co.. San Francisco

Mrs. J. E. Higgins, Jt. . San Francisco

Nelson E. Jones, Jones Hardwood Company. San Francisco

Mrs. Nelson E. Jones San Francisco

P. R. Kahn, Forsyth Hardwood Company. San Francisco

Mrs. P. R. Kahn San Francscio

P.J. Ahern, Emerson Hardwood Co. .......Portland, Ore.

Mrs. P. J. Ahern Portland, Ore.

A. E. Wanke, Wanke Panel Company......Portland, Ore.

Mrs. A. E. Wanke Portland, Ore.

Paul M. Smith, Wheeler Osgood Sales Corp. . Tacoma, Wash.

Mrs. Paul M. Smith ...Tacoma, Wash.

Roger Sands, Ehrlich-Harrison Company..Seattle, Wash.

Mrs. Roger Sands .....Seattle, Wash.

Frank Wurzburg, Ehrlich-Harrison Company Seattle. Wash.

Mrs. Frank Wurzburg Seattle, Wash.

R. C. Anderson, General Furniture Mfg. Co. ....... ...:.... Seattle, Wash.

K. L. Bates, J. J. Matthews Hardwood Co.. Seattle, Wash.

J. Fyfe Smith, J. Fyfe Smith Co., Ltd...Vancouver, B. C.

Mrs. J. Fyfe Smith ..Vancouver, B. C.

Norman Sawers, J. Fyfe Smith Co., Ltd..Vancouver, B. C.

Mrs. Norman Sawers ...,..Vancouver, B. C.

John McClure, National Hardwood Lumber Assn. ..... '. Chicago, Ill.

Mrs. John McClure Chicago, Ill.

D. C. Maclea, Maclea Lumber Company.Baltimore, Md.

Mrs. D. C. Maclea Baltimore, Md.

Burdett Green. American Walnut Mfrs. Assn. ci'i."s., in.

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