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Pine Sales Gompany
rvoodwork for resale and sales in carload or larger quantities to and for the Federal and State governments, railroads, shipyards, mines, docks, dams and bridges and to industries for re-manufacturing, pattern or shipping purposes. Pool car shipments to others than rvholesalers, retailers and manufacturers of woodwork for resale are regarded as LCL sales. The association recognizes there is a certain class of large general contracting tracle which has always been regarded as rvholesale and rvhich u'ill naturally continue as such."
At the annual nteeting of the board of clirectors held May 18, the presiclent was authorized to appoint a committee o{ not less than five to study cooperative buying movements in their relation to the lumber industry and report to the board of directors. President Shepard appointed a committee of nine the following day which startecl to function immediately.
The following resolution submitted by the resolutions committee was unanimously adopted :
\Mhereas, at the last annual meeting a resolution was adopted recommending that all 'rvholesalers should resist any attempt on the part of mills to reduce the discount below the minimum oI 8/o,
And, whereas, there has been widespread compliance on the part of the members, which has been productive of good results,
Now, therefore, be it resolved, That the association records its continued adherence to the said resolution.
The territory of Roy A' Dailey, in charge of the North Coast office of the association at Seattle, Wash., was extended to the Mississippi River. Announcement was made that C. J. Fisher was appointed department manager. Mr' Fisher was formerly in the credit department which he will continue to supervise.
Armstrong Announc€s Organization Changes
Several important organization changes were recently announced by H. W. Prentis, Jr., president of the Armstrong Cork Company. The growth of the company's business and the expansion of Armstrong's productive facilities have made necessary a realignment of executive responsibility in the manufacturing departments, Mr. Prentis said. Announcement also was made of the appointment of a new manager of the company's personnel department.
H. P. Smith, Jr., has been elected vice-president in charge of manufacture. John J. Evans, Jr. has been appointed manager of the personnel department.
S. E. Dyke becomes production manager of the company; C. F. Hawker, chief engineer; F. B. Menger, assistant chief engineer and chief project engineer; and J. A. Cummings, general superintendent of the closure plant at Lancaster, Pa. Mr. Cummings will be assisted at the above factory by two new superintendents, W. L. Clausen and E. D. Kemble. R. R. Clark and A. W. Bassett continue as assistant chief project engineers and George A. Reinhard, Tr. has been named to serve in the same capacity.
Of,ice and Storage Yard
6420 Avalon Boulevard
Telephone THornwall 3144
Ponderosa Pine
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