1 minute read
A Couple of Darky Shorts
"You say this woman shot her husband with this pistol, and at close range?" asked the coroner of the eye witness to the colored tragedy.
"Are there powder marks on his body?"
"Yassuh. Dass why she shot him."
"Wha' you got a"a r.rrJ "" ,.' haid, boy?"
"In de war."
"\Mhut war?"
"De boudoir."
Largest Oregon Shingle Producer Change Name to Southern Hardwood Co.
Snider Sales Company, of Portland, Ore., manufacturers of the well known "Snider Brand" shingles, with 12 shingle machines, are the largest producers of shingles in Oregon.
This concern has always had the reputation of making an extremely good shingle ever since W. L. Snider started making shingles back in. 1891, and the firm's policy has always been to make the best shingle they could and to try constantly to make it better.
"snider Brand" shingles are all made from old growth highland Red Cedar, which, of course, makes the best shingles. It is conceded that a No. 1 shingle, put on with a hot-dipped zinc nail, will last at least 4O years.
Pioneered Dry Shingles
' A pioneer in introducing dry shingles into California, this company has sufficient dry kiln capacity to dry approximately 700 squares daily. They make shingles of every grade and size.
California is the principal market for "Snider Brand" shingles, and naturally this market is favored at all times.
Alvin N. Lofgren, 2101 California Street, San Francisco, is the Northern California representative for Snider Sales Company.
Wilfred T. Cooper, Petroleum Securities Building, Los Angeles, is Southern California sales representative.
Southern Hardrvood Company, %2 East 59th Street, Los Angeles, announce they are successors to the James J' Cline Co.
The company are wholesale dealers in Hardwood Flooring of Oak, Maple, Beech and Birch. They represent in the Southern California territory the Texas Oak Flooring Company of Dallas, Texas, oak flooring manufacturers, and the Robbins Flooring Company of Rhinelander,'Wis., producers of maple flooring.
Jack Neece is manager; Jim Neece, sales manager; Arthur Alfsen, credit manager, and Joe Hutson, shipping clerk.
Kelly-Smith Co., Los Angeles wholesale lumber firm, are their retail lumber trade represeniatives in Southern California.
Eastern Lumberman Visits Coast
D .C. Maclea, Maclea Lumber Co., Baltimore, Md', was a recent visitor on the Pacific Coast where he called on the Douglas Fir and Pine mills. He also attended the convention of the Pacific Coast Wholesale Hardwood Dealers at Victoria, B. C. Before leaving for the East, he spent a few days in Los Angeles.