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VisuaLze Your Paint Safes
DON'T say to your trade: ,,When in the market for paint to improve your home, let us supply your needs,', because such a request is a direct admission that you do NOT give paint service. There is no sign of SERVICE in simply selling folks something, after they decide for ' themselves that they need it, and what they need, etc.
There are hundreds of homes in every town where there is a constant demand-it may be dormant, understand-for some real paint salesmanship, and since paint salesmanship consists of creating a demand for something that is attractive to the eye, and through the eye pleasing to the senses, the fact is self-proven that the chief basis of such creative salesmanship must be through VISUALIZATION.
You can sit in your ofifice and talk yourself black in the face, trying to explain in mere words to a lady how her house rvould look in the interior if she used a certain color
Roy Hills On European Trip
Roy Hills, of Wendling-Nathan Company, San Francisco, accompanied by Mrs. Hills and Roy, Jr., left San Francisco on May 29 lor New York, from rvhere they will sail for Europe on the Vulcania, June 5. They will go direct to Naples, and u'ill travel on the Co.'tincnt. and in England. They expect to be hcrnc :onre tir.nc irr .,\ugust.
and shade in this room, another in that room, etc.. because there is really nothing convincing about such attempt at visualization. But if you are able to place before your prospect a specially prepared color scheme showing just how a room looks in a certain shade, you have done the trick thoroughly, and the prospect is easily able to ap_ preciate how HER rooms are going to look, if she follows you sales suggestions.
The paint manufacturers of the liver sort make a specialty of furnishing and equipping their dealer customers with assistance of this kind, which brings back the evercontinued advice of The California Lumber Merchant to the lumber dealer: "Wherever possible, stock your yard only with goods that carry an intelligent and practical selling service with them."
With Union Lumber Company
William A. (Bill) Dollar is now with the lJnion Lumber Company in their sales department in the Los Angeles office. Bill has been associated with the retail lumber busi_ ness in the Los Angeles district for the past two years, and prior to that was connected with the lumber industrv in the Northwest.
The New Administration Buiijding For The 1939 San Francisco Bay Internationaij Exposition
Typifies the building. fts modern trends massive wdls in architecture and plastered with Calaveras White portland cemenr and its delicately carved columns of cast stone made with Calaveras White are only two of the outstanding features of this building-the first of the group which will be built to house this great xposition.