4 minute read
Advertising Puts "Cal" Pine on Lumber Map
Definite Results Recorded From Vigorous Campaigns in Trade, Home-Building, Agricultural and Industrial Fields
By AUSTIN BLACK, Advertising Manager, Calif. W. & S. Pine Mfgrs. Assn.
When the advertising campaign of the California White & Sugar Pine Manufacturers' Association was launched two years ago, no predictions were made by those in charge of it as to the extent of the success they hopecl to score nor as to the length of time it would take to make an impression. Now, with two full years of advertising behind them, they are able to talk about results in the past instead of the future tense, and what they say about the advertising is a lot more interesting on that account.
California pine has a big market in the building field as u'el1 as some very interesting industrial applications. Hence the market at which the advertising rvas to be aimed tvas so big that it might have been considered logical to resort to general advertising and to "tell the world" about the advantages of the product. With an appropriation of market, use specialized mediums a.nd take advantage of the opportunity for specialized copy. The results have demonstrated that this was a wise policv. fomtu GlifornieVhitc rnd i$ul SuFrPiq. irth. hiSh6rcohmongndc
3itha Od.[oncol thc ilc6t8-hdc3ol lumbd l';s mrd.. IrconEintkno6,butthlyft.r.cli erclytdlt n proponion ro rhc widrh Thict(E, qscD@. I namurmum c4Dcmrt. cd wi6 wirh thc widrh, end ii spcr 6.{$:'noa !odcccd lr! inchc! G d! rFrdq lo 6drd r;dthr of { md 6 i.ch; 2 in66 irdidaq in borrd widthtof I ed l0 inch;.2h irch6 in-di:ncd Wldlhr in 2 iqch hords; md lor ovd 3 inch6 :_) in d;.octc. in bo.rds wid.r rhrn l2 indrg. The rvogc y'ip66 of Lrotr ri&E L n$h lwd-' "Kndmurhcsud,righr,mdn lJs surv ruq oa ov{ In thrE. tuo mq ilrcs n@thly ecn riound thc tnc,m4pnmlly ipcrtinS, fn tm6 ffid oEdF ol da Dr(c. An c. siond &l oriirctord tnq Drv b. @iEcd. but ir Edbc6rmlv 6rA in 'r|irid rnd mu oddccd hrlf rhe OtlE iiEof thct d knGrdEiRd. .rligfu 'O.hddcf6p@ircdinrhir gndc &r&fi6MDl@c@D@oG ufic cbcdl rlight oo(rli3ht orp rm.lr PrtcD Pocr.r,,[8haP((n, Pto rcm Dor6 xcu |ffi,ntnt m, mdim tom 8nin, md rl;8h. rkip.
"No. I Common b .v.ihblc in on. inch, inch-rnd-!-qus.., inc[-md-r. lidf md ilo.inch- thiclod. Drsr.d .i6 .rc rmd{d znd *t ttt&d, rha qivint th. pwhs. fulld os
"Vidthr mry bc rxifcd or nndm.
Lngrhr rc frcm io @ 16 fer, wirh Irfc p.rcGnhrcr of l6.fai. Fivc Dd eit <if 8 end 5 foot lcnrthr my bc'io cludcd in rrfiipmcu.'
"Cozter of the new illustrated book on grades and, ,{ses."
No. I Com;on dn bc us.d ftr smc DuDos .r r finirhint lmbd fo. in. icriirrod stsiorriml tcf ndrcxid rpplidrion io windowrnd dorGue ririoutridc <ornicc. Thi! rndc irilo qellcnt for rhclva md ir cxidlv ffiivc fo! ciry vrrd3 qtcrincior di. wmcnrsrorcr'ni o6cc buildinr ude. lr irdosold to oemcrnmrkcnl H.u Fl ow iul .f ptdirr ntq? V Jit uii"Cd" nil Io;. t6. hrf..
Cdifornia lVhite and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association
6llCrll Euildlog.. .Srd Fnncirco
Abi.tn.f @M'|md @reE @rN@ crDr ter ntagazine ads." about $100,000 a year, however, best plan was to concentrate on it was decided that specific sections of the the
Sales of the wood were increased in t925 compared with the preceding year, as shown by reports of .man-ufacturers covering shipments and stocks on hand, and values have been increased. In other words, the manufacturers are finding an increasing demand for their product, with a public not only more interested in the wood, but willing to pay more fot it. The results have been much more tangible than is often the case in a co-operative campaign, and the lumbermen have been able to see in a very dehnite way that it has actually paid them to advertise.
In the building field there have been three distinct campaigns, one directed to the lumber dealer who distributes the product to the contractors and builders; one to the architects and contractors, and one to home-builders. In addition there. has been an industrial advertising campaign and one to the farm field. It is evident that the scope of the campaign was broad enough to insure coverage of the important buying power for California pine.
The campaign to the lumber trade has been one of the nro:t irrtcr-L 'ting i(';rtu1'('5. .\ tllLrlc r.'lt:Lt':tt'1t't-. "( rLl" I'irre \\'it\ c1'('rrt('(1. lLrrrl tltt,,rtqlr ltitr lt:Ls lrterr 1)r'('\('1lt('(l :t -('r'j(': ,li.t rr.:irr! tlrt' gr:trlcs ,,l' (':rlil',,t ni;r u ltitc iur(l -11!:r' 1;inr-t. ;rtrrl sttt.gr'.tirq t1.r'. lr)r' liit r,:|]'irru: qt:Lr1t'.
"(';L]" I'irrc lr:r. l)1'rr11'11 tl lrl r)r('r)l 11tl ttr,,.t l)()j)t1l:lr'1r;r(i(' t'lr;Lt rLt'tct'- r'\ ( r- i'1-('ir1('(i. 'i'lrt, ltttrlit'r'rttt r :r1,1r(lrIt'rl t,, ]il'r' lri. lr,'rrrr'lr lrut ((,tir ittr'irq .t,r'lt'. rrn,l ltLtrrrllr',1- ,,i ,lr'rLlt't'.
\\l'(ll(' irt l,' lt'lu'tt ltt()l'('ill)ltit '( rLi" iut(1 t]t( lrt'r,r1ttt'1 lrr.' t'r'1rt-t'st'ntt'r1. ln r itrr' ,,i 11tt' ittt1r,,r'1:ul('(' ,,i rii:tlilrrrtir)n l,)rl lrlorlrrct l, lrt rr:crl ir l,rril,ling.1lli: lrlltlslr:rl irrtt'r-t'.1:Lrirl f(sl)r)l:i\(rn('\\ r)11 Llr('lrilr-t oi llrt'lttrniict'rlcltlcr'. 1rt-r,rirlt'r1 1)l(' li 11rt tr, r:1':ttisi;Lt'torr ii':ltLtt't'.,,i llrr', ;rrr l ;riin
*ffi mmffimffimwmffim t,iiili;: pffiffiffi iisi;r*:
( {ufQR\la \rrrn so cuc^a mfi x,M^qllfErs Ai)drArrN '*#''.:\{ *j";*- l)calcr'. irr thc far-rnirrg rlistr-icts are aclivtll co-o1;r:r-:rtirrg
" -'1tt ,.t'ruttflt tl lltt " ltoutil,ttiltltr- .ir'/-ir'.t olt ud.; " 'l'lrc.t: rirlr t'rtiscutcnt-r 1r:Lvr' :rlrircltrerl ('\'('r,\' nr(rrtl) ir.r llotr't: N (irrrrlr.'n. ili,tttc llcautiirrl. lir:tttr II,,rrrt'- & (,;rr rltns. lnti Sutt.t't \laglLzirrc, tlrtrt'lr_r' gcttrng tlrc :t,rr-r' r;I (--aliir,rnia I'inr rrt:foss 1,i itttttilt't'rl: oi thorrsltrirls t,t lr,,trrt' {)\\'r)r'1'::rnrl 1,r,r.pcctirt: l,rrilrlcr.. 'I'lr:rt thc cr,lr-r-:r1r1re;r1 rLrtl i:luir-lclt'r' hlri r^ l,r'rn right is lrrtivtrl lr_r' the l:rr-gc rrrtnrlrtr Lrl' rlirct't trtrlrtilit: i,rr tht' "l'int' .l Iotnt'. l.]oc,1<." lilorn tltt':tr four trr:rg:rzint'. :Ll, ine. rltrr ing 1hc 1i;Lst civlrtt'r'l r.r1()tltlrs. tltcrc lrar t' lrtcri ,,r tr l(r.0(X) cnrluirie :\ rlilf trertt l-r 1rt' , rf coIr' lt:t-s lrcett t'tttirlri-r'r'rl irt a sl)e( i:i1 ('ilnsurlrer callrl);iigrr tci llrt'i:rrnr iirlrl. irr rvlrit:h:r lroolilt't .shorvrttg uses r)i ('alifornia lrittc ir'r tlrt: i:Lr-r.rrcl is,rltelt'rl. 'fhis lrt,r,ltlt:t i. c:tlicri .S,rnlt' I )ollar St'rr.c ,\lr,,ut Lllml)t: r on tlrc Ji:rrrr.r.":rnrl :L gle;rt rrr;urr-irr,lrririts for it lr;rs lreen recei\c(1.
I-ast [:r]l I'ut ont' iarrn palrcr rr u. ust,rl, "Srrcr:e.sirrl l;'rLrnr irrg," lrrrt tlris lear tlrr'list n'i11 lrt.enlrLrgcrl to:rl:o inclrrtlt' (la1r1rer's [irrrrner, 'l'lrt ])air-r- liarrner. I Iortrcl's I );iirvrnan. l'arrn ,\ ltarr:h i'l-t,x:Ls ) anri \\'isconsitr .\{ri,-rrltLrr:rli-t.