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Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club Picnic

In keeping with the long established custom of the Club, the June meeting which was the last before the summcr vacation, was Ladies' Day. The affair this year was a Picnic, which was held at the Del Paso Municipal Park, Sacramento, on Saturday afternoon, June 19.

At 1:00 P. M., about 100 sbt down to luncheon, and included in the gathering were many of the prominent lum- bermen of the Sacramento Valley District, together with their wives, families, and guests. The lunch was served in the Dance Pavilion, after which dancing was enjoyed by many of the party.

Following the luncheon and dancing, the crowd adjourned to the park where the remainder of the afternoon was spent in games and outdoor sports. The day was ideal for the occasion, and the park which was green and shady was an excellent location for the picnic. The committee in charge of this enjoyable outing was made up of Curtis Cutter, Oscar Miller, and C. D. LeMaster.


Among those noted in the gathering were:-

Mr, an'd Mr3. Jo. Shepard,-Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento.

Mr. and Mrs. E. S. McBride, Davis Lumber Co., Davis.

General Offces: SE,ATTLE

H. A. SMITH, Managcr

Bank of ltaly Building TRinity 7997

Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Robie, Auburn l,umber Co., Auburn.

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Corkran, Owen-Oregon Lumber Co., Sacramento.

Mr. and Mrs. C. D. LeMaster, Sec. Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club, Sacramento.

Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Knox, Superior Lumber & Fuel Co., Sacramento.

Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Brink, Diamond Match Co., Chico.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holmes, Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., San Francisco.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Holmes, Woodland Lumber Co., Woodland.

Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Brewer, Redwood Mfg. Co., Sacramento.

Bemis Succeeds Gates

Mr. C. Benj. Bemis, for some time past connected with the Millwork Institute of California, has been appointed Secretary-Treasurer of the Los Angeles County Branch, succeeding L. E. Gates, deceased.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Holcomb, Superior Lumber & Fuel Co., Sacramento.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Isenhower, Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., Sacramento.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Montgomeqr, Silver Falls Timber Co.. Stockton.

Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Baker, Tilden Lumber & Mill Co., Sacramento.

Oscar Miller, Knox Lumber Co., Sacramento.

Al Kelley, Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco.

Curtis Cutter, Cutter Mill & Lumber Co., Sacramento.

O. L. Russum, Delta Lumber Co., Isleton

C. G. Norberry, Cutter Mill & Lumber Co., Sacramento.

J. E. Martin, "California Lumber Merchant," San Franclsco.

Ben Woodhead Vnsits Cajlifornia

Mr. Ben S. Woodhead, head of the Beaumont Lumber Company, Beaumont, Texas, has been visiting in Southern California with his uncle, Mr. Dave Woodhead of the Woodhead Lumber Company.

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