1 minute read
Hardwood Conditions in the Bay District
By J. E. Higgins, Jr., J. E. Higgins Lumber Company, San Francisco
The Harchvood business in the San Francisco Bay IJistrict at present may be descrilled as rather dull ; the demand from industrial lines being only fair, and for Trim Lumber and Harclrvoocl Floor:ing, poor. However, in view of the carpenters' strike. to rvhich this situation mav-be djrectly att;ibutecl, no other conditiol could reasonably be expected.-During the lirst four months of this year business was very go;d. each month exceeding the- r'olume of the correspo;d-ing montil ol 1925, bttt since May lst,.the day the strike rv"as called. each $'eek sees business quieter than in the preceding one. An early settlement of this strike is .*pe.te.l, and as the fundamental conditions in Northern California are excellent, as soon as this trouble has been adjusted, the Hardrvood business should enjoy a good, neattny volume. Present prices represent rock bottom an(l will siiffen materially as conditions return to normal.
Philippine lumberi still represent the best values on thc market, lo continue in ever increasing popularity.
The early part of this year Bert Bryan, former- Sales Manager of tt'te Strable Flirdrvood Company.- embarked in busin&s in Oakland on his own account. 'fhe name of his firm is the Bryan Hardrvood Companl' and they specialize in Hardu'ood Flooring.
Fire destroyed "the mill of the Nicola Pine Lumber Co., at Merritt. B. C., June 9. Several employes were rescued from the blazing building with great difficulty, and the whole town wal threatened for a time. The loss is said to be about $200,000.