2 minute read
Progressive Hoo FIoo
Freil Roth
President Coolidge cabled Capt. Kingsford-Smith and his companions congratulations on the completion of their long flight from Oakland to the Australian continent.
The President's cable said:
"Hearty congratulations td you and companions on successful flight Oakland to Australia. Your brilliant and courageous pioneering has advanced the cause of aviation and strengthened the bonds between your commonwealth and our country."
Col. Brinsmead, director of civil aviation, one of the first to greet the flyers, said their achievement had "shown the real closeness of Australia and America by bringing the two nations nearer geographically and uniting them in an undertaking of great t"tot;"
The monoplane Southern Cross has become the sole property of Capt. Charles Kingsford-Smith and Charles T. P. Ulm, his companion. Kingsford-Smith and Charles T. P. Ulm, his companion.
G. Allan Hancock, Los Angeles business man, whose financial aid made the trans-Pacific flight possible, trans: ferred all claims to the craft to the birdmen.
The above messages are of importance to us all. Two Californians assisted in this flight and another Californian made it possible through financial aid. These expressions of brotherly love bind the feeling arid thought of the people of two great continents. This should help increase the sale of American merchandise in Australia, as a people thinking kindly of Americans and American principles should think favorably of American products. Strange to say that early this year your supreme nine sitting in council in Kansas City thought well of the theory that a friendly hand extended across the Pacific to our Australian neighbors would be of mutual benefit. Therefore they set up the machinery, whereby the Snark and Secretary-Treasurer can, when in their opinion, the order can afford to do so, send a disciple to the Antipodes to organize Hoo Hoo
By Fred V/. Roth, Supreme Bojum
there. This flight has proved the wisdom of such a mosdMay the next Hoo Hoo year see it carried out to prove of vast significance to the lumber manufacturer of California; in fact, the whole Pacific Coast. This will bind the lumber merchant of the Southern Islands to our manufacturers as no other thing can do.
It is said we are living in a fast age. Hoo Hoo by cooperating with the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association has taken a step in advance of previous standards. We are right in uniting with them to carry on the fight of lumber to which industry our order is dedicated. May our assistance to them prove of great value. Let every Hoo Hoo think lumber, boost lumber and carry the banner of lumbermen to heights no competitive industry can touch.
Christmas parties by the Los Angeles and San Francisco clubs to the needy and less fortunate children of these cities need no mention, as the good will ministered still rings in the hearts and minds of everyone. Such civic duty together with the community work of the various clubs in the high Sierras, help form a favorable public opinion of lumbermen and Hoo Hoo.
During the present Hoo Hoo year California has proyen its progressiveness by leading all other districts in new membership. We have fields yet untouched and under the new banner of Hoo IIoo should reach even higher goals in the future. Successful concats have been staged froni the manufacturers in the northern part of the state to the cities in the Southland. As this article goes to press outdoor concats by the Westwood-Susanville-McCloud clubs and the Chico club promise to exceed previous gatherings.
Westwood, California, is seeking the next annual convention. Their claim that successful meetings are best held away from the influences of the big cities under the atmosphere of the forest, with its inspiration to the furtherance of its products, is just. Let all California get behind a club that can do things, even to sending its membership to hunting big game in Africa, and give it a worthy support. "The everlasting teamwork of every blooming soul" will get their goal.
There IS a difference-
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