1 minute read

George C. Cornitius Hardwood Co., Inc.

San Francisco Calif.

"Bilf' Sam|son petent driver, and set sail. He visited Tuscon, Phoenix, ind several other Arizona cities, and claims he not only landed safely on each occasion, but he landed some good business also. These selling folks are sure traveling fast these days.

New Yard At Buttonwillow

/' A new yard has been opened at Buttonwillow by the t King Lumber Co. of Bakersfield.

Beaumont Lumber Company Opens Hardwood Department

The Beaumont Lumber Company, of Beaumont, Texas, of which Ben S. Woodhead is President and General Manager, and one of the oldest and best known wholesale concdrns in the Gulf territory, announces the opening of a hardwood department under the direction of an experienced Southern hardwood wholesaler, Mr. Percy Bass. They will seek business in California territory.


Lumber - Shingles - Piling' Portr

Mine Poler - Railroad Mat€rials

Butt Treated Cedar Poler ro22 MILLS BLDG. SAN FRANCISCi)

Agcntr: Cher. K. Speuldin8 Logging Co.

We offer for Auguat arrival from tfie Philippine Islandg seyeral cars 1" to 4'

Furniture Grade lThite lauan

(Formerb known ar Philippine [tfiaho'gpny)

Also Several Cars t" lo 2"

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