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A NEW DAY IN THE LUMBER INDUSTRY The corning of rrade-Morhing and Grade-Morking.

CItHE producers, distributors, and conf sumers of lumber, represented in general conference in Washington, May 3 and 4, at the invitation of the Secretary of

Commerce, endorse the plan undertaken by the National Lumber Manuf acturers Association for converting into nation wide practice the nationally recognized principle of association trade and grade marking of American Standard lumber; will encourage its general support; and will urge wholesale and retail distributors, and consumers of lumber to cooperate with the lumber manufacturers in securing the wide distribution and general use of association trademarked and grade-marked American Standard lumber.-Resolution adopted by the gen- eral Standardization Conference on Lumber, qy_spicgs of the Department of Comrnerce, Washington, May 3, 1928.

There is every reason to believe that a ma- jority of the lumber produced by the organized manufacturers of the United States will be made in aicordance with this resolution bv January lst, 1929. After that people will be looking for the National trade-mark and the regional grade-mark. Will you be ready for them?

The F'ellow Who Wants to Sell The Fellow'Who Wants to Hire

Reecs t2.s0 per cofurnn inch

Get the Facts

The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hifed

Twenty thousand dollars will handle fully equipaed modern mill and yard, real estate and building. Best location in Los Angeles. $25,000 monthly going business with twenty yeais goodwill and built-up organization to be sold at heavy sacrifice. Liquidation of estate.

JEROME HIGMAN, 2831 ExPosition Place, Los Angeles, Calif.


3 drums slightly used, preferably 4E', direct motor driven. - Picific Ready Cut Homes, Inc. Los Angeles, Calif.

Telephone Mldland 226I. Ask for Meyers Butte.

Wants Position In Southern California

Lumberman with several years' experience would like to represent a mill, wholesaler or retailer in the Southern Califirnia territory. Knows softwoods and hardwoods and tormerlv represenied large manufacturer. Ready to accept positiori at once. Can -iurnish references. Address Box C-205 care California Lumber Merchant.

RETAIL YARD MANAGERwants position-married, 35 years old. Five years' lxper; ience in California. Knows wholesale, retail and millwood branches of the business. Familiar with plans and accustomed to furnishing guaranteed lists. Has had'experience as corporation secretary and treasurel and sales- promotion and advertising. Box C-207, care California Lumber Merchant.

For Rent

In Los Angeles Southwest. Sightly lumber yard "f-ry|! location. On paved boulevard and railroad facilities. 25,000 square feet. f,ow rent. Address Box C-N4, Care California Lumber Merchant


Lumber salesman with experience in California, the Southwest and Middle West wants position as salesman representing wholesaler or mill. Will consider in either of'these ter-ritories. Knows the manutacturing and selling ends of the industry and formerly represented large manufacturer for several years. Can give good references. .Address Box C-zM care California Lumber Merchant.

Box Manufacturers Will Meet A Dealers Finest Asset at Klamath Falls in Au$ust

Invitations will be sent to all wooden box manufacturers on the Pacific Coast to attend a meeting of the Pacific Coast sroup of the National Association of Wooden Box Manuficturers to be held at the Willard Flotel, Klamath Falls, Ore., August 17 and 18.

This wiil be-a round table meeting similar to the previous meetings. A docket of proposed subjects for discussion will be mailed to members within a short time.

Paul Overend Back From Trip

Paul Overend, field representative for Northern California for the California Relail Lumbermen's Association returned to San Francisco recently from a business and oiu""ot" trip through Mono and Inyo counties. Mr. Over[nd reports'conditi5ns satisfactory in th.ose districts. Business. tie says, seems to keep on an even keel all the time in thosi districts. !{rs. Overend accompanied him on the trip, and both enjoyed some good fishing.

Every time you unconsciously, unknowingly, or unthinkingly irritate or offend a customer you place yourself in danger of cutting off a part of your income.

Perhaps a customer may be unreasonable and ask favors he is not rightly entitled to, but whenever possible, give him the benefit of the doubt, because SATISFIED CUSTOMERS are the merchant's most essential asset.

And the grouchier the customer the more the efiort you should make at being courteous and kindly. To do this requires tact and good judgment in many cases, but it pays.

The pleased and satisfied customer is a fine asset and a splendid walking advertisement.

Making Improvements

The B. B. Bryant Lumber Co., Los Gatos, are making alterations and improvements to their office and sales rooms.

IL1CR ten years The Long'Bell Lumber

Jl' Company has been placing its name on the end of the piece. One thing this mark stands for is the skill, experience and supervision which men of long training put into the making of this lumber. It is a mark which has enabled builders to get a quicker turnove! on small home construction-a mark of maximum construction value to the home. It identifies good lumber-dependable lumber-lumber for every purpose.


R. A. Long Bldg. Lumbenen since 1875 Kansas City, Mo. Douglas Fir Lumber, Timbers, Door and Window FranesWestern Hemlock Lumber -Western Red Cedar Siding and Shingles-Southern Pine Lumber and TimbersSouthern Hardwood Lumber and Timbers, Oak Flooring - Califcr-ria White Pine Lumber, Sash and Doors, Box Shooks - Creosoted Lumber, Timbers, Posts, Poles, Ties, Guard. Rail Posts, Piling.

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