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Changes are coming fast in the lumber business, when the tide swings back. The old grocery and the old butcher shop are gone. The old lumber yard won't stay much longer'

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Keep smiling. Pray daily that your sense of humor may not go back on you. Increase your daily investment in fellowship. Remember that animation, good cheer, and enthusiasm are very practical and tangible assets of moder4 business. Mutual good will and appreciation between business men is essential l" O_"r?*r welfare and progress.

BE a good competitor. In that way and in that way ONLY, can you expect to HAVE good competitors. How can you expect the public to have faith in YOUR business if you and your competitor don't trust each other as far as you can throw a grand nri"": ,r

Fair play is the biggest thing in modern business. A clean deal is the only kind that really pays. The crook, the deceiver, the man of no responsibility, has no place in modern business. See that the men in your business who contact the public *"*Y**, and fair with that public.

The greatest investment in the entire land today for idle money, is California timber. The depression has prac-

Hardwood Importers In Northwest

^ JolU G. ?iel, of Barg, Ziel & Co., hardwood importers, S_an Francisco, is on a two weeks' business trip'in the Northwest, where he will visit Portland, Tacoma^. Seattle and Vancouvery B. C. Hen-ry Barg, who represents the firm in Los Angeles, recently spent a few days at the San Francisco offiJe.


_ Milton Cross, of the Cross Lumber Co., Merced, was in San Francisco recently on a business trip.

from Page 8) tically stopped timber trading everywhere. But when it ends and the reaction comes, California forests will come into their own. With three hundred billion feet of the finest softwood timber on earth standing within her borders, practically all of it specialty woods, the fprest wealth of this state totals a staggering sum. ,f rF ,1. rf * tt<

The lumber i4dusry is the second greatest industry in California today, ranking second to oil. Ten yeans from today it will rank first by a wide margin.

The depression has hit the millwork industry of California hard. Yet it is one of the most admirable industries of the entire nation, deserves and will undoubtedly some day attain, a high tide of prosperity which its worth should deserve. Nowhere on earth are the wonderful things done in commercial woodworking that are the everyday products of the millwork plants of California. Here the transforming of wood into beautiful things for homes and other buildings has reached its highest degree of artistry, variety, and beauty. **r*

The lumber industry of California deserves success because of the service it is giving mankind. And when ..this cruel war is over" it is going to get it. No doubt of it.


H.- W. Swafford, E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, left for the East the early part of June on an extended- business !!p, there to visit the various lumber consuming points. He will return to Los Angeles around July l.


Pickering Lumber Sales Co. has moved its San Francisco office to 724 Monadnock Building, 681 Market Street. There will be no change in the telephone number, DOuglas 4818.

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