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Nlore Interesting Facfs About
Naturc Protccts FIer Greatect Child
Thc Romence of the Giant Rcdwood Trccr her bccn ruficiently a mirecle to rtir the imaginetion A plant thet thriver for firenty centurier, growr trrenty feet in diemcter, end 15O to 3jO feet high murt hevc bcen protccted from dertructive elementr of dI tin& by en uncommon ber&. The almort inderrructibtc cloel that Providcncc geve there fore* giantt now 9ffqr e metcriel quitc er erviceable for man'r many inrutetion ncedr
Thir 6bcr ir nade up of long, wavy ccllr clorcd et both cndr cech ovcrlapping others. The rcd, heirlike_ f,ber ir curly end epringy, rimilar to a coil epring.
Obrewation in the forertr rhowc that Redwood bert< on the tuntr of fe[en treer har reinained round cven though buried undcr netr trces thrt hevc et. tained l5O yearr. Vithout nourirhment thir bark her rcrirted rot, deconrporition and dirintegration for a c€ntury end e halft
Redwood lumber her riddcn to fame on . reput tion of retvice and long life. The chemicall and phyricel qualitier of redwood bar&, too, lrc remar&. eble. Neture rpecified it for a big joHor no t m. porary ttructur*-and har proved her widonr.
Low Thermal Conductivity
Knowing ite natural qualitier nore reletrch war done to prove itr commercial advantagca After rhtedding the great rlrrbr of bart a red, hair.like 6ber rerulted. Univerritier and engineering laboratoricr epplied the United Stater Bureau of Standard testt to determine ic low thermal conductivity. Gebhardt of Armour fncitute by the hot plate method, which ir the one approved by the U. S. Bureau of Stander&, found it to have a thermal conductivity of .26 B&u'r. pet hour per inch of thic&nsr pcr rlu.rc foot of material per degree of Fahrenhcit difierence in temlrer. .ture btween the rurface bf the plater. Thir ryee talen et e denrity of 7.2 poun& per cubic fooc.
The U. S. Bureau of Stenderdr co.eficicntr follow:
Granulated Cort ------------- .3O B.t u.
Vood Pulp Board ----------- .34 B.t.u.
Sugar C-ane Fibcr Boerd .34 B.t.u.
Sawdurt end Shevingr .41 B.t.u.
Multi.purposc Insulation
Palco Redwood Barl Fibcr ir en efrective inrutation wherever heat or round wrver murt bc rtoppcd.
In generel conrtructioh it ir eficient betwecn f,oorr, welb, ceiling joirt, bctween rafterr (6eathed) end for the countler inruleting purporcr.
Refrigeration ineulation rcguirer matcriel thrt will not only rtop heat but rtand up under vibretion fron machinery or travel and rerirt rnoirture with itt eccompanying mouldr and rotr.
The very fact that there ir a wide tempcr.ture variation frequently amounting to l0O' F. between the ouoide and inride of e refrigereted rpace pleccr r real duty on the inrulation. Often moirture ir condenced on the inner liner. Thir moirture ie de. structive to insulation lac&ing redwood bark 6ber'r unique resistance.