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Palco R edwood Barh Fiber

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In an acnrel tcat trucL body wer pachcd 'iif, rhir. 6ber at e denrity of eight poundr to the cubic foot. After rix monthr of pounding on the roed there war no void at the top. fnrteed of the urual rettling from the top the rpringy cherrcter of the 6berr, purhing away from eech other, prerented a tighter peck throughout. Thc 6berr reemed to havc rprung into cvery rvdLrblc rpacc.

Rcrirte Moirturc

T€so were dren medc to detctminc itc capillarity and it wer found thet when Pdco Redwood BuL Fi6er end. thcn 6e containet f,Iled to thc top with dry 6bct, that the water linc remainr exactly in the renc porition, cven rfter many weetr, rhowing thet thc vatct ir not drawn up into thc materiel. Simildy' undcr high humidity and temperaturc teltr, it wer found to have practicelly no hydrqropic ection.

In eddition, Palco Redwood Berk Fibcr ir highly 6rc rcterdcnc

Vcrmin, inrectr, nout&, fungi, end other dertnrctivc clcmentr p.r, up Rcdwood Be*. All of tftcrc propctticr go to mele it en inrulction thet b filling e reel nced er no other rnetcriel can 6ll it

Thc Economy Balc

For conveniencc and cconomy Pelco Rcdwood Berl Fibcr fu rhipped in 425 pound baler war placed in a given container half full of water until no more berk could be rubmerged in the weter

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