1 minute read
The Best Ti me To Build ls NO\f
Timely advice, full of truth and encouragement, walr presented the other &y by Bernard L. Johnson, editor, American Builder and Building Age, to a big gathering of Detroit architects, contractors and retailers.
Mr. Johnson's summing-up is as applicable to con&tions in California as elsewhere, and perhaps more so. Here it is-a vital sales-stimulating argument for current use:
"The most important factor working in favor of contractors, builders and dealers right now is the vast accumulation of desirc to build created in the min& of the American public by the interrse propoganda released during the past year, and especidly the last few months.
"It is to sen e this great home-yearning market that I urge everyone of you to becorne an evangelist for better and larger homes and for more home building now. Tell your customers to take advantage of the present low price of materials and the present high efrciency of labor. Thousands simply are holding back, awaiting a show of confidence in these facts on your part."
McCORMICK'S Jobbing Department
is fully prepared to help you capitalize on this "Build Now" Program. 10,000,000 feet stocks maintained in San Francisco for Northern California trade; the same in \U(lilmington and San Diego for the South.