2 minute read
When a Chicago 4-Squenn Dealer (Pulaski Lumber Company) can open and hold zt7 new accounti in one yeat by taking advantage of the merchandising oppoftunities in 4-Squenr Packaged Finishing Items alone, consider the iob you can do now thar the 4-Squenr Line includes a big volume item-Framing-the most important lumber used in house constructlon.
With the addition of Framing to the 4-Squenr Line, Bodgm merchandising goes to work wirh greater effectiveness than eve4 sets the 4-Squenr De4ler ogt fnoi{ the competitive pack in hib coq' munity and makes him ,what every quality buyef .iSr;lqlgkig$ for-the source of dependabli, precision building materials fiib good construction.
This latest and grearesr extension of the 4-Squenr Line at last makes it possible for pat it to uork building retail lumber profits bring Mercbandising out of tbe text books dnd
Weyerhaeuser to stltt a nationwide crusade for good construction with the announcement to the public that Building Blind is Ended. It makes it possible for you to step ont at the head of this rnovement for better construction in your community.
In this move toward good constructiofl lies the practical salvation of the rctail lumber business. Every suaight-thinking lumber merchant knows the job ahead of him-the necessity of concenttating on products which can be sold on their extra merits, over and above the usual values of run-of-mill materials.
There is no protection for you in unidentified, unimproved lumber.
There Lr protection for you in completely identifi ed, guaranteed lumber merchandise.
And that protection is multiplied when identified, guaranteed lumber is given practical use values.
Because the 4-SquanB Dealer sells 4-Squanr precision lumber he automatically becomes the local source of improved materials for good construction. He gains the favorable notice of every local factor in the home building industryarchitects, reputable contrac- tors, financing organizations, owners-all of whom want what he has to sell: precision lumber for good construction.
Are you a 4-SeuARE Dealer? Talk to the Weyerhaeuser rel> resentative or write the nearest Disrict Oftce for comPlete information about the 4Squenr Franchise.
4-SQUARI GUIDE-LINE FRAMING ofrers yoar cnstonters
1L Practical Plus Values
Jo r Pt e cision C'onstr a ction
11 nationally advertised retail sales advantages t Squued Bndr. Ordinary framilg !f l|larked lor. Sp-ecler. The.full f lfib"r is orr roo.."a on ihe ends] | species name printed on every piecc, an66rrslbc6imr;dfu bandootheiob. pbsitiveprotectioagainstsubstitutim. aD Eract Standand Longth.. qD Oallbrrted Every Ineh wlrlr u Golde I r-er. A revolutionary innovation in lumber are these acctf4te guides to. precision in placing, measurtlrg, cuttng and !ttrn8. ll Merl,ed lor Grrde. The full U srade name printed on every piece is -positiuc proof the quality- sircified iad paid lor is dclivcrcd. lL Trade-Ilfanked. EverY Piece u bears the nationally advertised Weyerhaeuser4.Squrna trademark forquick ideotificition and protection io buying. lflSold Onfv bY Aurhorlzed 4rv sQuAnr Dealerr. The 4-Squara Fraachise Sien is displayed by selected lunber merihants 'fuh6 harie proved tteir reliability and their knoivledge ofgood lumber and its useg. a Bealor Aprrearonoe. Nevef, a \ a 0 Udoi" n""e y-o,iseen stroctoral lumber 44 Ag. Plus Velucs hryc bcco givco to iAii-n"tt1i" the p,rccirioa building V_cr-crhroscll-Souerr Crridc'Unc Frrm' i;,;'t"f ,ii;-ilJ".';J i;";i"c-.
- Ordinary framing lumber is seldom exact stiodard leisth. Frequeotly it is overJeogth, requir'iag hand triti"i"g. Too often it is scant.
,,l Seoroned StooL. OrdinarY t framing lumber may or nay not be seasonid. Too muchbfit is "lreeo"totally unfit for use in good -onstruct10n.
!i Ohamlered Xd4o.. The instant u yoo handle a piece of 4-Squer.r Fmmins yoo know it is unlike aoy lumber yo"u'ever haodled bdore. No sha4r hges. Easier to handle.
II Guarrnteed bY S-eYerrr trreurer. All the specffic precision advantages daimed - for +&uels Guidefine f'saning are veiified by the words "Weverhaeuscr Guasutced" printed on iach piece.
4 3i#.i:ii1g5 i:n:*1"::""tfi
Properfy suracec.on to,ur. slces iuEer Fnming is, cons€quendy, only r oomind seasoning, it rs clean, bfltht' good' iocrease ovet otdioary ftrmiag lunbct of lookiog stock. thesamegrrdcrodspccics.