1 minute read
Fun About Jobs
Ifere are a couple of "shorties" on the subject of job getting.
"\il/ell, sir, I've finally landed a job", said the first young man with much satisfaction, "'Where?" ashed his friend.
"In a drug store", replied the first.
"I'm surprised", said the friend. "f didn't know you could cooli"
* 'r {.
The free employment bureau in a Southern city had an
Redwood Executive Back From East
Herb Klass, general sales manager of The Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco, returned July 16 from an Eastern business trip.
application for help in getting work from a countrJr darkey. The desk man looked over the list of openingu
"Fine", he said, "we can get you a job in the Eagle Laundry. How does that suit you?"
The colored one looked dubious, and stood there twirling his frayed hat in apparent doubt.
"What's the matter with.that job?" asked the cmployment man.
"Ah dunno, Suh", replied the darkey, "de fack is Alr ain't nevah washed no eagle in Mah life".
Roland E. Chapman, of the Chapman Lumber Co., Portland, Ore., recently spent two days in San Francisco on his way back from a visit to Boulder Dam.
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Quatutdwhite Eain vhite
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We carry the largest and best assorted stock of Plywood west of Chicago. Our well assorted stocks, our well known dealer policy and our central location guarantee the kind of service you demandProgessive lumber merchants should carry these quality products. Familiarize your trade of the advantages of using Plywood. For remodeling and modernizing they are real economy.
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