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Redwood Bark Fiber New Insulation Product
"Actual production qf an unusual insulating material made from the Bark of the Redwood Tree is now under way by The Pacific Lumber Company," according to an official of the Company. "For years," this official comments, "we paid large sums for the disposal of Redwood Bark in our logging operations. Now we are peeling the bark from the logs at the mill-the bark is then shredded, baled, and in this form is a highly useful insulating material. Bark on a giant Redwood may be upwards to eight inches thick.
"seemingly when nature designod the Redwood tree to be tl-re oldist living thing, she put a protective cloak on the tree that would turn aside heat, cold, fire and the ravages of animal and vegetable life. People generally," continued this party, "have come to recognize Redwood as quite an qnusual wood. The bark nature_ pu] ol the -tree ii even more remarkable than the wood. In the first place, Redwood Bark is made up of red hair-like fibers; each fiber is made up of countless cells that are closed at both ends. These fibers would be good insulation, temporarily' even if they lacked the chemical and physical characteristics of Redwood Bark.
"Redwood Bark Fiber, while odorless and tasteless to humans, is very distasteful to all kinds of vermin, m9ld9' fungi, rot and other destroying organisms. Slabs of bark are found in good condition under the roots of 1SO-year-old Redwood treEs that have grown to maturity over the buried trunks, which only proves the wonderful durable qualities.
"Redwood Bark Fiber "is moisture resistant, springy and curly, and for these reasons it may be packed in the walls of rlfrigerated trucks and not be shaken down from the top through vibration."
Ray W. Hathaway, plant superintendent of the McCloud Rivei Lumber Co., McCloud, was married to Miss Elva Mitchell of Alameda, in Alameda, June 18' Immediately after the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Hathaway left for a honeymoon trip to Vancouver and Victoria, B. C.
Remodeling Office Building
V P. C. Hansen Lumber Co., Centerville, is remodeling and ' modernizing its office building.
Manufaclurers of
Soft Texturc Old Growth
Kladtath Soft Pine
Dry Kihr Pluing MiU Bor ShooL rnd Moulding Frctoricr , Drily Crprcity 350In0 Ft.
Klamath Falb Orcgon