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Pioneer Pnper eo. finds It Pays to Aduertise tn The en hforn ia Lumber llVlerclt a nt
Callforata &nbcr Mercbad, Ccrtral BIdg.1 108 f. 6th, Sto, lor logelc, Callforlt,a.
tteatto!, of llrr Jack Dlouo, Rrbllsbc!. Cetrtl6.D3
&.you tlll shortly publlah your Ntutb lmlyerraiy lihrnbcr, lt se€or flttlng to gl,ya eqlrcctlon to our borlcilgr of tbr ef:fecttvcaltr of your negazlnc, not only ra a ueillul for carr?hg latelsely latercathg faotc abdrt thc lrober Inilustry otr tb. Paltlo Corrt, hrt llo tbo stand,polnt of ltc value ln a.srlrbg ailvrrtlrln3o lc harc b..! e[ atvrrtlrc la yorr nagazlnr for a nruber ol yclro tf ca! rlnaartly ctato that tba clfcot aDil v.lla of your nagazlno 1r flrnlg ortrencbod 1lr, orr! tdr0ro
Ot latt ro bavo bro bcarlbg our .fto$. toraril tbc rlee dletrtbutlag ol lntorr. Eatto! !,botrt our i0olor Ensetbh Rootgi nailc ug of loroatry Bl€[d Shlngtsr. It rt]I be gratlfylag to you to kDor tbat iluc la a grcat Dlalura to our advcrSlaeoest. b your nagrzbe, tbcrr bar bccn a lDoDtarous respouo frcn Iruiber Dealcrr tbrougbout thr f,ert. lblr adveltlshg bar plapil ttr tqlorto,t prrt ln caltlng upo! our ualufeaturlng r€Bqllos! to Datufaotutc lorestrlr Blerd, thlngllg. Xe rcallze that trotrstrT BlelA Shtrgler havr lalectcd a aer note hto tbc problco of oorrGct, decoratlvc aul lartlag roofr, but lt tqrlA hav. booa dilllcult lor tbl! cctq,aDlr thnr lta rcprcrcatatlvca to itut ovcrf tbla Dssage ar fast ag har boql tbe cacc, rltlorrt tbc lnttnatc toucb tbat 08. tb$ugb Dler.Btut tbl! rtory tbru your nagazlnc. fhlr lettcr la rr{tten b eurr.clatlolr of tbc valuabla scrrloe tbat youtt Da€azltre rendeta.
Yoey tnrly youlr,