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S. S. Point Loma Arrives at Long Baash's New \fharf tVith First Carso of Lumber
The S. S. Point Loma, chartered by the Larvrence-Philips Lumber Co. of Los Angeles, has the distinction of being the first vessel to dock at Pier A, the new outer harbor dock recently completed b1'the City of Long Beach, Calif. The Point Loma carried a cargo of lumber from the Colurnbia Itiver. T. B. Lawrence and D. R. Philips, of the LawrencePhilips Lumber Co., Capt. Clarence E. Barry, Long Beach F{arbor Trafrfic Manager, and Capt. C. F-. White of the Long Beach Harbor Board, were on hanrl to greet Capt. John Olsson, Master of the Point Lorna, when the ship docked.
The new wharf is 2000 feet long and 200 feet in rvidth and has a storage capacity of approximately 15,000,000 feet of lumber. Double railroad tracks run along the face of the clock. and sunken tracks are also available to facilitate the
E. D. Kingsley, president of West Oregon Lumber Co., Linnton, Ore., left San Francisco June 23 alter a short visit to San Francisco, 'ivhere he attended a hearing before the examiner of the Shipping Board. He also conferred with the Wendling-Nathan Lumber Co., agents for his company's products.
loacling of lumber into railroad cars. The dock is equipped rvith modern carriers and cranes and there is ample space for grading, sorting and the handling of lumber. The new wharf is under the management of John E. Marshall, Inc., lvho have leased the dock from the City of Long Beach. This company also operates the public dock, Berth 228-A and B, at Wilmington. J. O. Means, Los Angeles, for many years connected with the lumber business in Southern California, represents the John E. Marshall, Inc., interests.
The Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co., with headquarters in the Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles, are large cargo shippers of lumber into the Southern California market. They are the exclusive sales agents for Southern California for the Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., of Montesano, Wash., who operate mills at Montesano and Aberdeen, Wash.. and also operate the S. S. Hubert Schafer.
Moves To New Quarters
The John Johnson Flooring Co., Ltd., Los Angeles, has moved their office and r,r'arehouse to 6420 South Avalon Blvd. They formerlv were located at 59919 South Manhattan Place. In addition to stocks of hardwood flooring, they announce that they will also handle a complete line of hardwood lumber.