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Recovery Act

not mean selling below cost. The first effect of this plan is to increase business and bigger business is a better way to profit than is higher price."

"Our best people," he continued, "understand that this is no time to get rich quick. It is time to pull our country out of a hole. We need every good man on the ropes and nobody is going to do a thing that makes him a price profiteer by taking advantage of the patriotic unselfishness of his fellows."

And he declared in most positive terms that the government "will not tolerate unfair price raising for a minute."

He talks of the advisability of business concerns joining their trade associations, and he advised that such action be taken, declaring that when the public hearings are had on the code of every industry, minority reports and opinions would be given full consideration, so that a man need not stay out of his normal trade association for the reason that he might not be in sympathy with the majority opinion. He will be given an opportunity to offer his.

He made it plain that the intent and purpose of the recovery act is to destroy the depression by saving the masses, and made the declaration that "too great a share of prosperity goes to too few people."

He spoke pointedly of two conjectures or impressions that have been wafted abroad, one that all labor must organize under the act; the other that industry should first form company unions to cut off the activities of labor organizations. "Both reports are wrong and are very harmful," he declared. The fact that "collective bargaining" is provided for'in the Act is the basis for this apprehension, together with the announcement that William Green, President of the American Federation of Labor has appealed to workers everywhere to organize so as to properly profit by the workings of the law.

This plan to save the country and destroy the depression, said General Johnson, "can succeed only if the whole nation gets behind it with both zeal and determination-every man and woman. It is time for action and the American

(Continued on Page 12)



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