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New {JSG Boa"rd Mill at Midland, California goes intoproduction J"ly Lst
W|ITH the stardng of the new USG W Board Plant at Midland, California, on July 1, economies enioyed by dealers in other parts of the United States are made available to dealers on the Pacific Coast. Now Pacific Coast dealers can buy mixed carloads of gyPsum products, as much or as little of each product as is needed, and enjoy the cadoad price on the whole.
These are the USG Products available in mixed cars from the new USG Midland mill : One-quarter inch Sheetrock: Three- eighths inch Sheetrock; One'half inch Sheetrock;'lCood Grained Shee:rock; Rocklath; Red Top Cement Plaster; Red Top Gauging Plaster; Red ToP Casting Plaster; Red Top Acoustical Plaster; Red Top Keene's Cement and Ben Franklin Agricultural Plaster.
The new plant at Midland is a board mill where both Sheetrock and Rocklath will be manufactured. The picmre above discloses the modern construction of the plant. Made expressly for the manufacture of board Products, benefiting by the experience USG has had in the construction and operation of large mills in all important sections of the United States, the Midland mill provides Pacific Coast dealers with a source fot the highest qualiry gypsum board products. A plaster mill, modern in every re' spect,was erected at Midland a few years ago, after exhaustive tests had disclosed the suitability of the gypsum deposit there to coast requiremenn. The plas:er mill, with the new board mill, now makes possible for the first time a complete gypsum producs service for the Pacific Coast.