1 minute read

Vagabond Editoriafs

(Continued work. So the circle widens, spreads, and becomes genuine instead of artificial-automatic instead of enforced.

Untold millions of otd;"; ;"r"s in the United States will go by the boards in the next couple of years. They won't do ! They won't be either rentable or salable. They will be remodeled, refixed, repaired, or replaced. And all of these "re's" f,neans lumber and building and labor-and returned prosperity. I told you before what is going to happen to the paint business. It will surpass anything paint has ever known.

And DON'T tear your hair and wear out your pencil


James L. Hall, San Francisco wholesaler and mill representative, reports m,ore inquiry and increased sales for creosoted lumber, piling, hop poles, ties, and other heavy construction materials in which his firm specializes. The increased activity in gold mining is resulting in more demand for mine poles and timbers, Mr. Hall says.

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