1 minute read


Lumber and Shipping

7th Floor, Alaska-Commercial Bldg.

31O Sansome Street San Francisco


Aberdeen Lumber & Shingle Co.

American Mill Co.

Hoquiam Lumber & from Page 8) trying to figure out just how all these things are going to happen, how the physical aspects of this mighty change is going to proceed, where all the money is coming from, etc., etc., etc. That's too big a job for you or me, my friend, or for any man or group of men. Leave it where it belongs-in the hands of Providence; as Robert Burdette so eloquently said-"In the hands of the Mighty Love that can bring honey out of the rock, and sweet waters out of the bitterest desert-the Love that can make wrong things right, that can turn weep'ng into laughter, that can give beauty for ashes, the garrnent of praise for the spirit of heaviness, the joy of the morning for the woe of the night."

Lee Walker On Northwest Trip

Lee Walker, sales manager of the Concealo Fixture Company, Inc., Oakland, Calif., is calling on the trade in Oregon and Washington. He reports that the company's West Coast business has shown marked improvement during the past sixty days. Many men have been added to their factory force, and from all indications it is expectecl that a full crew will be employed by August l.

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