3 minute read
SPEED INDUSTRIAL RECOVERY In California By Selling More Colifornia Redwood
Every lumber dealer in the State can help to put more Californians back to work by urging the use of California Redwood for all purposes for which it is best suited.
The California Redwood Association is the clearing house for authoritative, impartial information regarding the properties and uses of this splendid material, and its technical experts will gladly assist lumber dealers with any special problem.
The Associr;;tion is cornposed
HUMBOLDT of the following rnanufocturers:
Redwood Industry Delegates Oakland Waterfront Yard Attend Chicago Meeting Develops Terminal Facilities
At a well represented meeting of the Redwood industry held in the offices of the California Redwood Association June 22, the Redwood code of fair trade practice prepared in compliance with the provisions of the National Industrial Recovery Act was considered, approved and adopted.
A delegation of representatives of the California Redwood industry left San Francisco June 26 to attend the meeting of the whole lumber industry in Chicago to be held June 30 and July 1 for the purpose of reconciling and consolidating the codes of the various lumber manufacturing groups in connection with the National fndustrial Recovery Act.
The following were in the party: Leonard C. Hammond and H. W. Cole, Hammond & Little River Redwood Co., and Humboldt Redwood Co.; E. E. Yoder, The Pacific Lumber Co.; C. F. Flynn, Albion Lumber Co., and H. B. Hickey, Standish & Hickey.
C. R. Johnson, IJnion Lumber Co., and C. H. Griffen, Jr., general manager of the California Redwood Association, are already in Chicago and will also attend the meeting.
Wifl Open Portland Office
H. W. Bunker, president, Coos Bay Lumber Co., San Francisco, re'cently announced the appointment of H. A. Busterud, formerly sales manager of Coos Bay Logging Co., as export sales manager. Mr. Busterud will handle export sales, Atlantic and Gulf Coast and rail business. He will make his headquarters in Portland, where an office will be opened in the American Bank Building.
Back From Sales Trip
Sherman A. Bishop, of the sales department of Union Lumber Co., San Francisco, returned June l3'from an eight week sales trip through the Rocky Mountain and Southwest states.
Throughout the trip, Mr. Bishop says, there was much eviden'ce of optimism among the lumbermen he called on, and in practically all districts some improvement in reta.il business was reported. Also he found, parti,cularly in the Southwest, a most friendly feeling towards Redwood, and d growing appreciation of its durability and other good qualities.
The T. P. Hogan Company recently added an electric crane and a Ross Lumber Carrier to their lumber handling equipment at their yard at Second and Alice streets. Oakland.
The electric crane is located on the company's dock, which has 500 feet frontage on the Oakland Estuary. It handles lumber from ship's tackle to trucks, trailers and freight cars, and rnakes possible the speeding up of these operations.
M. B. Carter, sales manager of T. P. Hogan Company, is also in charge of dock operations:
"The installation of these extra facilities for handling Iumber has put this yard on a strictly modern basis," said Mr. Carter, recently. "We have been planning for some time to give terminal service here to manufacturers, wholesalers, shippers and yards, and we believe that when the service we have developed has been fully demonstrated it will be greatly appreciated and widely used.
"We can offer storage facilities, speed in unloading lumber from the ships onto cars and trucks with the least possible handling, delivery by our own trucks to the yard or job, or we will load the buyers' trucks with equal speed; in short, we have worked out a service that gets the lumber from the ship to the yard or job with the greatest possible speed and the minimum amount of handling."
T. P. Hogan, Jr., president of the company, reports increased sales in the wholesale and jobbing department. George Eidemiller, country salesman, says the country yards are finding business a little better in most districts.
Gen. Johnson Calls For United Action
(Continued from Page 4) people do not need any oration to persuade them to pull the country out of a hole when it sees the way. All we need is a chance, and we have that 16!v*lsf'5 96."
"The whole effort comes to one single question," the administrator said, "and all anybody who wonders whether the national recovery act will work has to ask is 'can we get all the employers in America to do about the same thing at about the same time when they know that by doing it they can bring this country of ours out of this depression and lift this deadening load of fear from peoplers hearts'?"