2 minute read


Office Now in Production

C. J. (Clint) Laughlin has been appointed manager of the Los Angeles office of the California Wholesale Lumber Association,'taking charge on July 1. Mr. Laughlin was connected with the Long-Bell Lumber Company for many years, both in the South and in California, where he was manager of their Los Angeles offices and later in charge of their San Francisco office. For the past sevbral years he has been associated with the hardwood business, and in addition to his Association work, he will continue to act as representative of his hardwood flooring and lumber accounts.

He succeeds M. S. Lopes, Jr., who resigned as manager of the Association's Los Angeles office on July 1. With business in the lumber industry showing marked improvement, Mr. Lopes states that he finds it necessary to devote all his time to the box shook business; he is in charge of the California sales for the Bloedel-Donovan Lumber Mills Box Department and will have his headquarters in the company's office at 628 Petroleum Securities Bldg.

Makes New Connection

J. J. "Jack" Rea, formerly with W. R. Chamberlin & Co., is now Southern California representative of the A. B. Johnson Lumber Co., San Fran'cisco, with headquarters in the Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles.

Back in 1914 Mr. Rea represented in Los Angeles, Wilson Bros. & Co., in which firm Mr. Johnson was a partner.


L. E. Hubbard of the Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., Los Angeles, accompanied by his wife and their son and daughter, left on June 16 by automobile to attend the Century of Progress Exposition at Chicago. On their way east, they plan to spend several days at the Rotky Mountain National Park. They will return to the Coast over the northern route and while en route will visit the Yellowstone National Park. Mr. Hubbard will be back at his desk the early part of July.

The new sawmill of The Tahoe Sugar Pine Company at Graniteville went into production June 12, and construction of the planing mill at Emigrant Gap is progressing well and will be completed within another 3O days, it is announced by C. C. Stibich, sales manager of the company.

Mr. Stibich returned to San Francisco June 24 after spending a few days at ihe sawmill, where, he says, everything is going fine with the modern eight-foot band mill which was turning out some beautiful lumber when he left.

The company will manufacture California Sugar pine, California White Pine, California Incense Cedar and California Red and White Fir. All products will be air dried, assuring thorough and even seasoning and the complete retention of all natural texture and quality.

E. L. Marsh is president of The Tahoe Sugar pine Company, and executive and sales offices are at 1065 Monadnock Building, San Francisco.

Committees Meet

A meeting of the Lumber Committee of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association and the Redwood Relationship Committee was held at the Senator Hotel, Sacramento, June 25.

Ralph Duncan, Merced Lumber Co., Merced. chairman of the retailers' committee, presided.

Retailers' and Redwood HOTET WII.TSHTRE


Near Union Sqre - Tclephoc SUtter Z!t0 l5O Rooms, Each with Tub and Shower Stricdy Fireproof 92.fi) to S3.0O Single . g2.jo to t4.OO Double Special Wekly and Monthly Rater-Sening Club Brcaldartr Zsc, !Sc, 5Oc. Dimero, ineluding Sudan 5ttc

Take Any Yellou Cab as Our Guesc Free Carage


Most Fathers have had their day and those that have are not asking any one to pin bouquets on them on account of the reputation they have made as a Father.

They have to stand on their own record, be it good or bad.

E. K. \D7ood Lumber Co. has a record running back forty years that they are willing to stand on but we are asking for no fowers.

But we do solicit your orders for any of the following items-




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