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Bv JucL Dionne Ag" not guaranteed---Some I have told br 20 years---Some le*

The Modern Movie Plot

The young girl came home from seeing the latest sexstory at a movie theatre, and her mother asked her:

"Was it a very nice story, darling?"

"Oh, a lovely story," said the youngster, "but I don't think you'd like it, mother, it ends so awfully sadly."

"How is that?" asked the mother.

"Well," said the youngster, "you see, she dies, and the poor fellow has to go back to his wife."

Largest Wooden Tank Installation Lumbermen,s post Hold Monthly F. unce World Wat \ r

After inspection of many existing *"0*."0 pressure r . , , tank installations, the Atlantic Tank Corporation of North I umbermen's Post No' 4o3, American Legion, of Los Bergen, N. J., recently placed with r. F. Egan, manager Angeles' held their June meeting at the Jonathan Club, of the New York office of the Hammond Lumber comLos Angeles' on Tuesday evening, June 13' Dr' Alexanpany, an order for 616,000 feet of three-inch tank gracle der Irvine' of Hollywood' calif" prominent author and Redwood lumber to be used for 139 pressure tanks for the Chief Moral Raiser of the British Army during the World christian Feigenspan Brewing co. of Newark, N. J. war' was the guest speaker of the evening and gave an This is reported to be the largest individual wooden interesting and delightful talk on "The Use of Humor in tank installation since the end of the war. Warfare'"

Following dinner, there was a business session which sEATTLE'-vAcATIoNwaspresidedoverbyRussellGheenoftheC'D.Johnson

M. A. whitman, treasurer of west waterway Lumber l#t#.::" co'' Seattle' was in california recently on a vacation trip' J. L. cunningham, Hayward Lumber & Investment co.; He made the trip by automobile and visited San Francisco and Los Angeles. .u!v'rvurr! drru vrrrLLu J4rr'r.rrLrsLu




Vholesalers and Jobbers

Dennison St. Vharf

Oakland, Calif.

Northern Cdifornia Agetrts for BOOTH.KELLY DOUGLAS FIR LUMBER

Gall Andoyer I.O77 for


Our Motto: "Promise Less-Do More"

First vice commander, A. A. Tomlinson, Pacific Door & Sash Co.; Second Vice Commander, D. C. MacDougal,

MacDougal & Cole; Adjutant, Herman Rosenberg, The Hipolito Co.; Finance Officer, Lloyd Cole, rHammond Lumber Company; Historian, W. B. McCullough, PattenBlinn Lumber Co.; Chaplain, H. G. Wilhoit, W. E. Cooper Lumber Co., and Sergeant-at-Arms, L. E. Hubbard, Hayward Lumber & Investment Co. Election of officers will be held at the next meeting on July 11.

Visits Sawmill

Henry M. Hink, sales manager, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., San Francisco, returned to his desk June 15 from spending a few days at the company's mill at Eureka.

Iieavt Gonttruction Dtatenials

Piling - Timbers - Ties - Lumber

Transmission Poles - Mine Poles - Hop Poles - Posts ln

DouGLAs rr*, no*loor*$ooLoocEDAR, RED CEDAR, Ljntreated or Creoeoted Precgure Treatmenr JAilES

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