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Pioneer's "silent Sales men"
The Pioneer Paper Company has adopted the policy of going right out after orders in every territory with the active cooperation of its dealers.
All over the western states, in the show windows and stores of lumber, building material and hardware dealersas though a great army had descended upon the industry -thousands of Pioneer "Silent Salesmen" made their colorful appearance a week ago. These "Silent Salesmen" are unusually attractive window and store displays promoting the new Pioneer feature on all roll roofing, the Red Seal Opener.
The display pictures a roofer in life size, opening a roll of roofing with the new patented device, the Red Seal Opener. The display is in red and blue and stands alongside of a roll of Pioneer roofing. The roofer has a string in his hand, which is attached to the roofing. This illustrates the ease, convenience and time-saving afforded to roofers and others who use roofing, by the exclusive Red Seal Opener.
The slogan, "Zip, and it's open," emphasiies the speed and convenience of this new Pioneer feature. The string which runs the length of the roll, under the wrapper, is attached top and bottom with a red seal. Pull the string, and it rips off the wrapper exposing the roofing ready for use.
The "Silent Salesman" display is one of the most effective advertising dealer helps that has been distributed to the.trade in many months. It is the first step, according to officials of the Pioneer Paper Company, in a campaign to help the depler get business.
This company has been aggressively after orders during the past few months in both its asphalt shingle department and asphalt emulsion department. Now, with the roll roofing department becoming active with the trade in selling the Red Seal Opener idea to customers everywhere in the eleven western states, they have set a new pace for these times of confidence in the future by launching forth upon these progressive merchandising moves.
The three lines now being actively promoted with buy- ers-asphalt shingles, asphalt emulsion and asphalt roll roofing-cover the entire roofing market. Asphalt shingles are being advocated for use in covering old roofs; asphalt emulsion is recommended for roof repairs where deterioration is not sufficiently developed to require a new roof ; and asphalt roll roofing is being promoted for all flat roofs and various other uses.
Pioneer Paper Company is noted for its spirit of cooperation with the trade; and, the present drive for business in conjunction with its dealers will go far toward stimulating the flow of. frozen dollars into roofing sales throughout the West.
Lumbermen Play Golf
Harry Graham of the r,H. A. Graham Lumber Co., Long Beach, won the low gross prize at the Orange County Lumb€rmen's Club monthly golf tournament held at the Lakewood Country Club, Long Beach, Calif., on Wednesday afternoon, June 21. D. E. Liggett, Liggett Lumber Co., Santa Ana, was the low net winner and was awarded the Blue Diamond Corp. cup. This trophy is open only to members of the Orange County Lumbermen's Club and the member winning the cup the most times between now and the Club's annual meeting in November will gain permanent possessioh of the trophy. Bill Sampson of the Sampson Screen Co., Pasadena, won the blind bogey prize.
Buys Red Bluff Yard
Corning Lumber Co., Corning, has taken over the Depot Lumber Yard at Red Bluff. Newton fsaacs, manager of the Corning Lumber Co., will divide his time between the two yards.
Spends Week At Mill
Herb Klass, general sales manager of The Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned from spending a week at the company's sawmill at Scotia.