1 minute read

JULY BT]LLETII\ To AII Celotex Dealers

FARMERS in your community should be using Celotex poultry range shelters for growing chicks.

MILK COOLING in summer without propcr equipment is not profitable. Milk houses and cooling tanks need Celotex insulation for protection against cummer heat.

VEGETABLE AND FRUIT storage buildings for fall use should be considered now.-- Fot complete efrectiveness of storage temperatures, recommend Celotex insulation.

FOR THE FIRST TIME New York City is womied about damage from termites. Time (May 29th, 1933) says: (New YorL's invasion came three years ago; whence, no one knows." Every section of continental United States eufiers &mage to building construction ftom these pests and from Dry Rot resulting from Fungus Gronth.

CELOTEX is protected ftom these destruotive agencies by the exclusive Ferox Process (patented) under which it is manufactured.

AND PLEASE REMEMBER: Thete is no t'closed seasontt for repaiting, ref,nishing or remodeling, either on t{re farm or in the city. Celotex is all-purpose material becauee it combines insulation efrciency with otructural strength and pleasing appeaf,ance when used as interior finish.

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