4 minute read
San Francirco Office: Merchantr Exchange Bldg.
S. M. Hauptman, Ge,n. Mgr., Phone SUtter 6126 Lor Angiler Office: Petroleum Securitiee Bldg. Clint Laughlin, Dirtrict Managcr ' Phonc PRorpcct 2703
W. R. Chmbcrlln & Co. ..'...3uFrudsu!-Lofnrglo
Doovan Lmbcr Co. .......'..Su Fruclm ud Ld Arltld
E;;4.;- & Wirt.m Lumbgr Co'..'..................Port|ud end Su Frucl*o
Abcrdccn' Vr*r.
Hoguienr Verh. Abcrdocn, VrA. Rrynoad, \Flrh.
Jenc Ctrirtcnroa
Annic Chrirtearon
Edwin Ctrircnron
Cethcrinc G. Suddcn
Dorotby C$itl
Bdnr Chrirocorol
Elcanor Chrirtenroo
Cherlcr Chrirenron
PORTLAND 2{nHrorr_Bl{r,
Jamer L. Hatl '........... """"Su Frucbco r. -c.-g-""tlit* Bo: & Lumbcr Co. ....'....".. 'Sea Fnncbo lL;;;--G;b"t co. ..........,...,...........s4r Fruds en{ !-or f4cl3r l. il:- H;rr c;:- ..: ::....... .....................su Fmclro md Lor rlnjclo ri.ii-w-a:L*t t Co. ...."'...... ...."""""Su Frenclrco l. s.'iohm; L*b"t co. ""'9tt Frutrco ef"f" n. Il|lru .....'..Su Fruclrco iii"o-in C Harrlnlto i. E-iri[-y Lmb.; co. ......"..... ........".s4n Frrtrclto -c1;: i. M;6;la. ruut co. ............'..3u Fnndro and Lc An3clo fr{"tir"iLi---S"ppty C- ....... '3u Fmcieco and loe An3e-lar ttl r -ii"t|lg*-.c c".- '. '.. '. '.. '. 'S!n Fnnloco md- Lo An3clcr cliirl. lc"i; c- ............. San Fnnc|ro rnd Lo Ansclc
F;;L; L*t. cc ............. ..........""'San Frencls
3;;;;:F. -L"-t . cj. .....-..........'.........Sm Francleco and Lor Ansclcr Schaler Brc. Lumbcr & Shinglc Co. ".'..Su Francirco ud Lo6 Artclc' s;ea; a chtttt"-oo .....:........'.'.........Su Francino rnd Lor AnSdo i-..i G-t"t Co. ........'... San Francis ii;dlint-N;ah;" -co. .......'. 3u Fnncbco rnd-La-An3olrr i.-ol$nnn a S- .......... !q Fruclco i: K. W;- Luibc. cJ. '.'..Sar Froncirco ud Lo An3-clor rfiti l ia.*"", lne .........'. """"orLL!'
'B',;;i;;-Ld;; e;:--....;....... ..Ia Aa3{r
F;;d'L;;ft silcc cc """"""oakund ciij*r t-niili"a- ......,...... ..Is Aqrolr iif,ri"rlc"i"li tlrlie Lu-ber co. .........'..... " .....-Lc {ng4ct iii"p--Ja-E e.tstt*, Inc. ...........' ......"!'oa Angebr
-E:-il R;iE c--p."y """"""'Lor Aalclr
Fiit i-gllr"-L*tit co.' """"'!'or Ansctr s." p.an"-r-*u-. io. ...,.....'... ..........'......!-c fng'lu i;;;-L-b.; sJ.i ........... .!o fngc-lo
F;-m sl"a" r;F d-lc 4t .....'...... ""rrlrr'!" i.'U.'wb-cl.................. ...1t 4tt.L
!i Prut I Trcoor L'nbrr Gc
Will Represent \fest Coast Wood "Bulko-Trim" Rosettcs Now Comc Preserving Co. in California \(/rapped in Cellophane
An improvement in service to California buyers of pressurb treated lumber, poles, piling and other treated forest products is announced to the trade, available after July 1, with the reappointment of J. H. Baxter & Co., one of the oldest lumber, pole and piling firms on the Pacific Coast, as sales agent in the State of California for West Coast Wood Preserving Co., of Seattle, Wash.
West Coast Wood Preserving Co. operates at Eagle Harbor and West Seattle, Wash., two of the largest pressure treating plants west of the Mississippi river. With the capacity of these plants available for direct Northern shipment of pressure treated material to trade throughout California, together with the facilities for quick shipment from the pressure treating plant of the J. H. Baxter & Co. at Long Beach, Calif., and from stocks maintained at both Long Beach and Alameda, Calif., it is announced that a service more complete than has ever been offered before will be available to the trade.
The plants of the West Coast Wood Preserving Co. are fully equipped to treat with creosote, zinc chloride or ZI|./,A. J. H. Baxter & Co. also operates the "SS A. M. Baxter" and "SS llorace X. Baxter" in the coastwise lumber trade and will employ these carriers in the expanded service.
Dan L. Lindsley, engineer and sales promotion representative for the West Coast Wood Preserving Co. will make his headquarters at the Los Angeles office of J. H. Baxter & Co.
Frank O'Connor, Donovan Lumber Co., San Fran,cisco, was a visitor at the company's Los Angeles offi,ce the middle. of last month.
Believed to be the first lumber product merchandised in cellophane, "Buffco-Trim" Rosettes, manufactured by Buffelen Lumber & Mfg. Company, Tacoma, are packed in cartons and wrapped in moisture-proof, heat-sealed cellophane.
!. Z."Joe" Todd of the Western Door & Sash Company, Oakland, distributors in Northern California for Buffelen products, says this is a sound merchandising idea, for the reason that "Buffco-Trim" Rosettes must reach the job dry, just as they leave the factory, in order that there will be no shrunken joints or curled parts on the paneled walls or ceiling.
"The 'Buffco-Trim'. Rosettes are packed in cartons of convenient quantities so they may be sold without breaking open cartons in the jobber's warehouse or dealer's yard," Mr. Todd says.
"Buffco-Trim" mouldings are wrapped in heavy kraft paper, twenty pieces to a bundle, which also means that full bundles reach the job with the contents as bright and clean as when they leave the factory. All parts are made of edge grain stock, machined to templates to insure perfect fits.
"Buffco-Trim" makes it possible for any handy man making only square cuts to do a finish job of paneling that might well be the envy of the most experienced craftsman."
Chicago Representative Visits Mill
F. L. Brown, of the Chicago offices of the Hammond Lumber Company, recently spent two weeks at the company's sawmill at Samoa, Calif., and conferred with executives at the head office in San Francisco.
Mr. Brown, who was accompaned by his wife, traveled to San Francisco by way of the Pacific Northwest.
*AdvertisementE appear in alternate iccue.
Agociate Lumber l\iutualc
Baxter & Co., J. H. -----------------11
Boolctaver-Burns Lunber Co.,----'----- -----'------ 19
Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. ---------------- ------------------21
Brookmire, fnc.
Buckley Lumber Dealers' Supply Co. ------------19
California Builders Supply Co. -------------------19
California Panel & Veneer Co. --------------------19
California Redwood Association ---------_------.,--- 5
California Wholesale Lumber Assn- -------------- 2
Celotex Company, The ----------------------------*---- 9
Chamberlain & Co., V. R. ------------------------------15
Cro$ett Western Company
Dandee Co.' The -----------------------22
Dolbeer & Caraon Lumber Co. ----------------------19
Elliott Bay Sales Co. ---------------17
Flemming,. E. \XZ. ----------- ----------19 Hitl 6, Morton, Inc. ----------------------------,,---------19 Flogan Lumber Co. ---------------------------------------11 Hotner Eurela Lumber Co. -- ------------19 Floover, A. L. --- -- --------------19
Koehl & Son, fnc., Jno. W. -------,12
Lawrence-Philipc Lumber Co. -----,------------------19 Loop Lumber Company ---,-------19 Lumbermen's Credit Asrcciation ------------------*
McCormick Lumber Co., Chas. R. -.-,---------- ---f9 MacDonald & Bergstrom, fnc. ------------------------19 MacDonald & Harrington, Ltd. ---:-----------19 Moore Mill & Lumber Co. - --- ----- ---,-----------12
Oregon-Washington Plywood Co. -----------------19
Forryttr Hardwood co. --...-,-------------.-.---.---.-..--re ffanmond 6C Little River Redwood C,o.-------- 7 Paacn.Blinn Lumber Co. ---------------- -----------.-'..21
Pioneer-Flinttote Co.
Red River Lumber Co. ------- - - - --- --O.B.C. Reilly Tar & Chemical Corp. -----------------------15
Schafer Brog. Lumbet & Shingle Co. ------------19 Santa Fe Lumber Co. ------------------------------O.F.C. Sisal&raft Co., The Stanton & Sons, E. J. - -- -------------------------10
Strable Hardwood Co. ------------------------________-----_19
Sudden & Christenson ------------ 2
Trower Lumber Co. -------,----------------------------------19
Union Lumber Co. .-----
Vectern Door & Sash Co. -,------------,---,-----------13
Wendling-Nathan Co. --------------19
Veyerhaeuser Salec Company ------------------------19
Vheeler Orgood Saler Corp. ------------------_.- 2 Wood Convercion Conpany
Vood Lunrber Co., B. K. ------ --.-- -----------
M. ADAMS Cirqrlatio Maragtr
A- C. MERRYMAN Adrertisinf Mu3c