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Log Ceiling Prices in Douglas Fir Area

Maximum Price Itegulation, No. 16l-West Coast Logs, was issued on June 10 by the Office of Price Administration and became el{ective June 20,1942.

The species 9f logs specifically embraced by this maximum price regulation are-Douglas Fir peeler logs, heretofore covered by revised price schedule No. 541, and all other grades of Douglas Fir logs, Western Red Cedar _logs, Westein Hemlock logs, Western White Fir logs, Noble Fir logs, and Sitka Spruce logs.

tection 1381.160, Appendix A-IVIaximum delivered prices for West Coast logs, follows:

(A) The maximum delivered price per 1,000 ft. log scale for West Coast logs delivered in the waters of Puget Sound, Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor, and the Columbia River or, if the buyers manufacturing plant is not located on these waters. delivered at the buyers plants within the district named shall be as follows-


For all logs, except those cut to special long lengths pursuant to an order placed by the buyer before the timber rvas felled, and except blocks in lengths less than 12 f.eet-



corumbra Dittrict Dirtrlct

(I) Douglas Fir

No. 1 Sawmill Log .. .. .$31.00 $28.00

(VI) Douglas Fir Peeler Logs Puget Sound DistrictNo. I Log Suitable for



(IV) Western White Fir and Noble Fir


For logs cut to special long lengths pursuant to an order placed by the buyer before the timber was felled, add the following to the base price per 1000 ft. log scale set forth in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph (A)- Nmlnal l-enetth No. I Logr No. 2 and No, 3 lagr 42 f.t.-50 f.t. $ 6.00 $ 4.00 52 ft.--".@ ft. t2.0O $ 8.m 62 LI.-JO f.t. 18.00 t2.N Over 70 ft.-the sellerr must apply to the Office of Price Administration in Washington, D.C., for approval of hls proposed price before quoting or charging such price.


For blocks in lengths of less than t2 feet, deduct $5.00 per 1000 ft. log scale from the base prices set forth in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph (A).

(B), The maximum delivered prices per 1,000 ft. 1og scale for West Coast logs delivered at any other point than the waters named of the buyers manufacturing plant shall be determined as follows-from prices in paragraph (A) of this section, subtract the transportation costs which would 33.00 have been applicable to the shipment had it moved from the loggers' loading-out point to the waters of the par18.00 ticular district, then add actual transportation costs from 18.00 loggers' loading-out point to the actual destination specified by the purchaser-provided, that regardless'of the result of such computation, the prices shall in no event exceed the prices set forth in paragfaph (A) of this section 2j99 applicable to deliveries into'the-witeri of Puget Sound, ?g-t| Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor, and the Coluribia River.

\7.10^ (C)' The"maximum delivered prices per 1,000 ft. log

11.19 scale for West Coast logs delivered at any point in the 16.50 Willamette Vallev districi shall be determinid'as followsFrom the prices iet forth in paragraph (A), of this section for delivery in the Columbia River district, subtract the transportation costs which would have been applicable 2s oo to the shipment had it moved from the loggers' loadingio if, out point to the Columbia River district, then add actual i;'ii transportation costs from loggers'loading-out point to the i;'fi actual destination specified by the purchaser-provided, ii io that regardless of the result of such computation, the prices for the Willamette Valley district shall in no event exceed the prices set forth in paragraph (A) of this section for delivery in the Columbia River district.

45.00 (D) When logs are sold out of one district for delivery

'30.00 in another district, the maximum prices and grades shall 17.6 be those of the district in which the buyer takes deliverv 17.00 of the logs.

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